Monday, July 3, 2017

Menu Monday

Back from the family reunion on one side, and the graduation, as well as visiting the older aunts on the other side. I will post more about both during the upcoming weeks.

Right now it's Menu Monday


Harvey BBQ'ed some pork chops and we also put tinfoil packages of potatoes and carrots on the BBQ.


Stuffed Chicken, rice and broccoli.


Leftover pork roast made into a casserole (my zucchini should be a decent size by this time) using zucchini and eggs. Almost a soufflé and so very tasty.


Leftover ham, pasta, and peas.


Main dish tuna pasta salad. I need to make a smaller version of this so we are not eating it forever.


Off to the big city for the football game. Supper will be eaten out.


Roast chicken, roast potatoes, and peas/carrots.

So there you have it. The menu for the upcoming week.

Off to see what you all have been up to.

Everybody have a wonderful evening.

God bless.


  1. I know just what you mean about making a smaller portion of the pasta salad. Whenever I make something like that I always make too much and it seems never ending - too much of a good thing!

  2. I didn't stick to the menu plan last week. It was a busy week and I ate a lot of leftovers on the run. There's a rhubarb crisp languishing in the fridge and now it's too late to even freeze it. I really dislike throwing food out. The forecast for this week is hot, hot, hot so I'm thinking BBQ and salads, beginning with the fish that didn't come to fruition last week. The main dish pasta salad sounds enticing. I only have 3 days to prepare for; the weekend will be taken up working at our local rodeo concession. I get cured of my fast-food cravings after working in the concession for 3 days!

  3. You are very good with your meal plans. Mine a little more haphazard at the moment as the garden is dictating what input on our plates. If I have an abundance of salad I have to think of stuff were salad is appropriate.

  4. I'll be over every day, bar Saturday. Football's not my scene. Eating is!
