Friday, May 8, 2020

Frugal Friday

I was asked a question about Lazy Perogies that I will answer first.

Lazy perogies could be considered to be a deconstructed perogy. I first put some melted butter on the bottom of whatever sized baking dish I am using. Then I put a layer of cooked lasagna noodles. The lasagna noodles are covered with a layer of mashed potatoes with cheese, another layer of cooked lasagna noodles, and if you wish a layer of cottage cheese (I use dry mixed with an egg). Top this all with a last layer of the cooked lasagna noodles. Melt about 1/2 cup of butter and fry some chopped onion. Pour this over top of the last lasagna noodle layer. Cover with tin foil and bake at 350 F for about 30 minutes to heat through. Let sit for a bit and then serve with sour cream.

My frugal 5 for this week are:

1.  Mending a couple of Kris's quilts while I was there and planning on what I need to mend a couple more.

2.  Saving $15.37 on groceries this week.

3.  Drapes open for solar heat to the living room and rest of the front part of the house.

4.  Using up leftovers in new ways for meals.

5.  Watching how I spend money buying starter plants for my baskets.

Everybody have a wonderful evening. 

God bless.


  1. Well .. YUM! .. I have to try that!

  2. I didn't realize that lazy perogies used lasagna noodles. Much easier than making dough and filling the pockets. I may try this with my son as perogies are one of his favorites.

    Have a great weekend!

  3. Ohhh, never heard of that recipe...

    And with G/F noodles, I could eat it too. My husband is fine with my G/F noodles, in a dish, we both eat.

    We do that... Window coverings open, to sun, on the south side of the house. Which is along the side of the house, we live in, actually. On the north side, are bathroom and bedroom. So this plan is perfect, in cold weather.

    In summer it's not so good. Since the pool is out there, and we can not have trees planted there, to cut the sun in summer.

    So in summer, they have to be covered. -sigh-

    "We become what we think about most of the time,
    and that’s the strangest secret."

    ~ Earl Nightingale

  4. I've really tried to limit how much I've spent on plants this year too. I've got everything planted except my very front flower bed, need to decide what annuals are going in there. Also need some succulents for the bottom of my strawberry planters as the lobelia I put there didn't like it so I moved it rather than let it die. I am also buying one cherry tomato plant as couldn't find any seeds and cherry tomatoes seem to last so much longer into the growing season here, still usually produce to end of September/early October. Just trying to live within our reduced salaries without spending savings right now so that can be reserved if we need it when our company funds run out to pay salaries (2021 at earliest)
