Friday, July 24, 2020

Frugal Friday

Another frugal or mostly frugal week has passed.

1.  Watered my plants using the rain barrel this week. We better get more rain very soon.

2.  Saved $ 12.59 at the grocery store this week and even managed to buy some items for the store cupboard.

3.  Used up two  leftover balls of yarn knitting the mittens.

4.  Paid all bills online.

5.  Used up all leftovers in the fridge.

Everybody have a wonderful evening.

God bless.


  1. I'm impressed with your frugality! Good job! It makes me think what have I done that is frugal? :)

  2. I guess the storm we had here in Regina on Wednesday evening missed you. :( I'm not sure how much rain we got but it poured like the dickens.

    Have a good weekend!
