Tuesday, July 28, 2020

Thrifty Tuesday

With the increase in temperatures outside, I needed to figure out a way to decrease the use of our air conditioner. We face almost directly south, so the sun beats in our large picture window for much of the day. In winter this is wonderful as the sun keeps the front of our home nice and warm, causing the furnace not to run as much on the coldest of days as long as the sun shines. However this is not the best when temperatures reach close to 40 C. So I have started to draw our drapery (it is specially lined to keep the heat or cold out) from about 10 in the morning until around 5 or 6 in the evening. So far this seems to be helping a great deal. Windows are the opened in the late evening and that keeps the house nice and cool all night.

Our garden is finally starting to produce, just cucumbers and a very few strawberries, but every little bit helps. 

I turned a collar on one of Harvey's shirts today, and gave my sewing machines a cleaning. There is no one here who services these machines any more so I try and keep them in tip top condition by cleaning out the dust whenever I can.

Dehydrating of herbs has started over the last week. I will have enough new herbs from this year to last until next year. I might try to grow chamomile, lemon verbena, and some more chives next year. I tried garlic a few years ago and had no luck, but I think it might be time to try it again.

Everybody have a wonderful evening. 

God bless.


  1. Our two picture windows and the sliding glass door are horribly drafty, one being moreso than the other. I have a huge quilt hung from pegs in front of the worst of the two... and when the weather is extreme, either very hot or very cold, that quilt stays up all day. It darkens that part of the house quite a bit but that's the way it goes. Our utility bill is high enough as it is. So I understand your reasoning for keeping the window covered. I'm sure it helps, as doing it here too. ~Andrea xoxo

  2. I have started to dry out herbs too. I am impressed that you turn the collars on shirts I must admit I wouldn't know where to start.

  3. I really should clean my sewing machine more often. Thanks for the inspiration.

  4. My house faces north with the sun room on the south. As you've read I keep my curtains closed in there for much of the day but for some reason the house really heats up in the evening. I think the west side of the house must be lacking in insulation. But every little bit helps.

    I've grown herbs for the first time this year. I've never dried them, but should try to do so.

    Take care and stay well!

  5. I wish I was more like you. I read some of your industrious posts and I say I am going to start and then I don't.

    As for your front windows - I have trees in my front yard and my windows face south as well. In the summer I still have to close my blinds and my curtains at around noon. Not in the cooler months because it is always nice to be able to look outside at the trees and all. The sun was so bad, it actually bleached out my new carpet. Made me sick.

  6. My living room faces south and I keep the curtains drawn much of the time during the summer and our temperatures are nothing like yours, but as the whole wall is glass it really gets a lot of sun. We're looking at options for some kind of garden shade to take away the worst of the heat.
