Tuesday, February 11, 2025

Tuesday Tidbits and Stuff


I am keeping my fingers crossed that this frigid weather leaves us very soon. The weather pundits are saying there could be a change as early as Thursday. 

We had hoped to go and visit with Kris this coming weekend and celebrate Family Day with him, but the night temps are still pretty cold. We will probably go up the next weekend instead. We need to look for some wooden chairs and I would like to get some more sewing machine needles, some quilt batting, and perhaps some thermal batting for a few ideas I have for casserole carriers. I will probably also get some heavier wool type fabric to make some vehicle blankets for Kurt and Kris.

There has been a bit of a problem getting our SUV started some mornings. Especially when it hasn't been used for awhile and the temperature falls into the feels like -40C range. Now we have it charged up once again and I make sure to start it and let the engine warm up and the battery charge the last two days. 

I can not believe we are almost halfway through this month already and my project/goals list is barely dented. My extra cleaning list on the other hand is disappearing by leaps and bounds. Now that is very strange!!! It is usually the other way around.

Today after all my tasks were completed I grabbed some fabric from the stash and made another tablecloth, definitely needed. While sewing the tablecloth my yogurt was draining in the fridge and I finally have some yogurt once again. I will make another batch in a couple of days. Can a person freeze yogurt I wonder? Sure would be nice if you could. 

I did some weaving today. When one of the warp threads broke I ended up cutting off the two placemats and re-warping the loom. I hope I have enough warp on it to get another two done. 

Why is it that as you age your skin becomes thinner and bruises much easier? It isn't like I didn't bruise easily before, but now my hands look like I have been in the fight of my life some days. Just covered in bruises that I have no idea how I received them. Most times I can't even wear my rings as they will bruise my finger. This minor question because as I typed this I happened to look at my hands and discovered another bruise that came from who know where. 

Off to get supper started. Actually just have to put the thawed casserole into the toaster oven and once that is almost ready, pull out the leftover salad.

Everyone have a wonderful evening. 

God bless.


  1. I would think yogurt would be freezable but I think I'd then use it for cooking just in case.

    1. I might just do that and use it for cooking.

      God bless.

  2. Hope you can make the other two placemats! The glimpses you have shown us are very nice. I’d inquire of your doctor about the bruising as that sounds extreme. It might be something other than simply aging but hopefully not.

    1. I am keeping my fingers crossed that I can do two more.

      God bless.

  3. Yes you can freeze yogurt. It may change the texture although I never noticed that. A year or so, a friend gave me 4 big containers of plain yogurt she got at the food bank. I made some yogurt cakes and then froze the rest. I have froze milk, butter, cheeses - never froze cottage cheese though.

    After like a big Thanksgiving meal, I notice bruises on my hands as well. Or when I was doing crafts or gardening. We don’t realize how much we bang our hands until the bruises show up and everyone gives you the side- glance. 👀

    1. I can never remember how I manage to get as many bruises as I do.

      God bless.

  4. Oh to have the skin of younger years! I'm too blame for moist of my own spots, being the sun lover i am.

  5. Getting old has its challenges. Your thinning skin is probably due to losing the ability to produce as much collagen as you used to. I know I have to moisturize a whole lot more because of that!

    While you can freeze yogurt, it will kill the healthy cultures. It will probably change the texture too. I only freeze yogurt if I am making ice cream with it. But if you plan to cook with it, it should be OK. Hope this helps!

    1. Definitely using much more hand lotion this year.

      God bless.

  6. Can't do it all at once, Jackie. It sounds like you are doing fine all round!
    The bruising is a bit concerning in. Could you mention it to your GP or whatever you call them in Canada? Just to be sure it's nothing that needs attention? xx

    1. Right now my GP is under investigation by the Saskatchewan Medical Board. Most of his patients think that is crazy. Hopefully things work out and I can make an appointment with him once again.

      God bless.

    2. Oh, dear. Fingers crossed.

  7. I bruise easily too and even more so now that I’m older. I have successfully frozen yogurt before. I’m experimenting with freezing the potato soup I made to see how it does. Hope it warms up by you soon.

    1. My frozen potato soup seems to work out just fine.

      God bless.

  8. I'd get your bruising checked out by your Dr. Although as we get older our skin thins and looses its elasticity, so we do tend to bruise more easily. Xx

    1. I have always bruised pretty easily, though as I age it seems to be getting much worse.

      God bless.

  9. Jackie, I have always bruised easily, slightly anemic my whole life. I have noticed since I have been using collagen in my morning smoothies that my skin seems better. Could be my imagination but I do feel it is helping with my digestion.
    I can't wait to see the finished place mats!

    1. JC I hope to get them finished by the end of the month. If not then pretty early in March.

      God bless.

  10. Oooh, that is so cold! I hope things warm up for you & you can go visit the family. (Hawaii Planner)

  11. They sell frozen yogurt in the ice cream aisle, so I'm sure you can freeze yours too. Less preservatives in yours too!
    Do keep an eye on the bruises. While it may simply be a matter of bumping your hands, it could also be a sign of a blood clotting issue, especially if the bruises are quite large. If you are on a blood thinner this can be cause for concern.
    The weather you are getting is beyond ridiculous for this time of the year. -35C with a windchill of -47C in Regina according to the weather channel. I could not have picked a better year to get away from it, but I do feel bad for everyone else.

    1. About 5 years ago I did a temperature blanket for that year and the coldest time was February. I do think that this year is beating that one out though.

      God bless.

  12. I hope you get to visit your son soon. The weather is miserable, cold and wet here, but we don't have snow which is a good thing. I would think that you can freeze yoghurt as you can freeze yoghurt ice lollies.

    1. We will probably not be able to get up to Regina for about a week or so. It is just too cold to travel very far when both of us are either over 70 or closing in on that.

      God bless.

  13. I know what you mean about those awful bruises on the backs of our hands. I remember when I discovered my very first one, probably about ten years ago now, and thought, I'm turning into an old lady!

    1. My Dad was that way and I think I inherited this from him. Mom on the other hand was pretty clear of this type of bruise. My brother (younger than me but not the youngest) mentioned his bruising to my sister and she told him to look at my hands...

      God bless.

  14. Are you taking a blood thinner? We all bruise more easily with age. Also I order my needles from a site called Wa_Wok so much cheaper. See if you can find it.

    1. I will see if I can find that site. However living in Canada I am not sure if it would be less expensive.

      God bless.
