Sunday, February 9, 2014

Sunday Ramblings

I have finished with the Lay Presided Services for awhile now I hope. I think that these took more out of me than I thought they would.

Most people seemed just fine with them, but a few of our regular parishioners did not show up at all. Mainly because they services were in fact Lay Presided. Hmmm, wonder how they fulfilled their Sunday obligations, for some reason I don't think watching the Mass on TV actually counts.

Today's question at the end of the Homily (I can call it that because Father Brian wrote it) asked us Who do we see Christ in?

A hard question to answer without really thinking about it. The easy answer for me would be my husband and children. They accept me for who I am with all my human frailties and love me in spite of them. This question became harder when I looked beyond my immediate family and Father Brian. One could say I see glimpses of Christ in everyone I meet, but to really go beyond that is hard for me. Perhaps it is my own failings that cause this problem and it is something that will be an ongoing project to work on.

The house has been infested with small flies lately. You know the kind that look like fruit flies but are just a touch larger. I finally figured out where they were coming from when I watered my plants today.

My lovely poinsettia seems to be the culprit. I don't want to throw them out when they are still so beautiful, but it may come to that. Anyone have an idea or two that I could try to get rid of the pesky flies without getting rid of the plant?

Off to read a few blogs and then to do some more knitting.

Everybody have a wonderful evening.

God bless.

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