Monday, October 10, 2016

Menu Monday

The house is quiet once again, both Kurt and Kris headed to their respective homes this morning.

Kris made it in his regular length of time and phoned to let us know he was at home. Kurt on the other hand has a longer drive and is driving into a snow storm. Yes, it is only the beginning of October and Alberta is already having heavy snows. Harvey did call Kurt on his cell phone (thank heavens for Bluetooth) and he had just hit the snow fall. Kurt did promise that if it got bad he would spend the night in Medicine Hat.....

Well, now that the house is back to normal, or at least as normal as it gets around here (my poor to do list did not get totally completed today, due to the sons leaving a bit later and the fact that Kurt was sleeping in the utility room) I am back to regular blogging.


Leftovers from Saturday and some of the leftover salad from our Thanksgiving meal.


Hamburgers, salad, and roasted brussel sprouts.


Leftover Turkey made into Tetrazzini.


Soup and Sandwiches.


Fish and chips.


Leftover Tetrazzini and salad.


Roast Beef, roast potatoes, roasted brussel sprouts.

Everybody have a wonderful evening.

God bless.

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