Monday, April 10, 2017

Menu Monday

There were a couple of changes to last weeks menu so I have changed things around a little this week so I can use those meals up.


Chicken breasts. I think I will try my had at making fajitas today. I love them when we occasionally eat out, so hopefully I can make my own taste as good if not better. Also it is something I have never made before and I really want to try my hand at new and exciting (well to me) recipes.


I will make Harvey's favorite small link sausage casserole. It should clear a few items out of the fridge to make room for Easter cooking.


Soup and sandwiches, another try at getting some stock out of my freezer. Once again to make room for Easter leftovers, and probably even more stock.


This will either be a clean out the fridge meal or perhaps a BBQ meal. Kris should be home sometime after 6 so supper could be a bit late tonight, and he will be hungry!


It is Good Friday, so no meat (nothing new as we very rarely have meat on Friday, a hold over from Harvey growing up in a fairly strict Catholic home). I will make perogies, but thinking more of making lazy perogies as Harvey likes them better than regular.


Today will be our Easter meal as Kris will be heading back home tomorrow. This means turkey, stuffing, salad, potatoes, gravy, a veggie and pickles. Oh yes, must not forget the cranberries!!


Leftovers from Saturday. I will leave enough turkey out for us to warm up and the rest will be packaged and frozen for other meals. Some, of course, will go into Kris's box or bags of goodies we always send home with him.

Everybody have a wonderful day.

God bless.

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