Monday, January 1, 2018

Menu Monday

Wow, a whole new year and the week of menu planning starts right on the first of the month. I suppose this has happened at one time or another, but for some reason this morning it is resonating in my head. 


Pork chops, mashed potatoes, and green beans. Not too sure of how I am doing the chops as of yet, but baked covered in a mushroom gravy sounds really good right now.


Chicken legs, and these are going to be done in the slow cooker. A kind of honey garlic sauce poured over and then the legs will be served on a bed of rice along with a salad (time to use up the salad things in the fridge).


I had called this our soup and sandwich night, but I may just use up the leftover stir fry in the fridge. More rice will be made as a bed for the stir fry.


This will now be our soup and sandwich night, and I will use up some of the split pea soup in the freezer. Grilled cheese sandwiches to go along.


This will be perogy night. I plan on making a pan of lazy perogies.


Hamburgers, homemade fries, and coleslaw.


Roast ham, mashed potatoes (seem to be eating lots of potatoes this week), and mixed veggies. If there is any coleslaw left we will finish that as well.

Lunches, as is usual will be sandwiches or any leftover, leftovers.

Everybody have a wonderful day. 

God bless.

1 comment:

  1. Happy New Year! There's supposed to be a break in the weather. The thermometer reads -27C, downright balmy after -42C. I've only been venturing outside to bring in more firewood. Yesterday was a quiet day after 4 days of little girl energy. I spent it reflecting on 2017 as I changed beds and did laundry. The good thing about not over preparing is there are fewer leftovers to deal with. Once the leftovers are used up - turkey, ham, lasagna, butternut squash with quinoa/greens, potato/corn chowder - then I will make a weekly menu. That sounds like a lot. The turkey will be made into a repeat turkey tetrazzini. Some of the lasagna will be put in the freezer for a later date. The ham will be used for bkft and sandwiches with the soup. I'll focus on a new menu next week.
