Monday, June 4, 2018

Menu Monday

June, a busy time in the garden, traveling two hours to watch Harvey's beloved Saskatchewan Roughriders play football, and days where one just doesn't want to cook, but does anyway.


Hamburgers along with leftover mashed potatoes, leftover gravy, and a salad.


A package of frozen chicken pulled from the fridge freezer. I think I just might use it to make a pasta sauce, or a cold plate of salad, chicken, corn on the cob (of course that needs to be cooked) and/or boiled eggs could be tasty.


Pork chops done on the BBQ. Add a tinfoil package of potatoes, and carrots and our meal is complete.


Since we will be heading into Regina for football on Friday, this will either be a clear out the fridge night, or a soup and sandwich night. Either way I will be clearing out a few more containers from either fridge or freezer.


Friday night football and we will be eating out.


BBQ ribs, tinfoil package of mixed veggies (potatoes, onions, peppers, carrots).


Roast pork, roasted potatoes, green beans, and perhaps some corn from the freezer.

So there you have it, my menus for the week. As is usual lunches will be leftovers or sandwiches.

Everybody have a wonderful day.

God bless.

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