Monday, October 7, 2024

Menu Monday

 I am in a great deal of pain today. My back is killing me and I don't really know why. I can't sit for very long and need to get up and move around often.

So all I am going to do is post my menus for the week, and hopefully be able to visit with you all tomorrow. Wish me luck.


Turkey soup and egg salad sandwiches. Something very simple is all that I could manage today.


Leftover roast beef made into a kind of stroganoff. Served with egg noodles, and peas. If I am up to it I will make a coleslaw.


I pulled a container of chili out of the freezer. Probably served with toast. Plus the remains of the slaw.


Leftovers from Tuesday.


This depends on if Kurt and Kris will be home and want to warm something up. I will either do glace, potatoes and eggs, or pancakes.


Smoked brisket, potato salad and baked beans.


Turkey, mashed potatoes, corn, gravy, stuffing, pickles, and a salad. 

Off to move around.

Everybody have a wonderful evening. See you all tomorrow.

God bless.


  1. Oh no! I’m sorry your back is hurting you, Jackie. I hope you are feeling better very soon. Turkey soup and egg salad sandwiches sound great and easy to do for a good supper. I have a cabbage here too and Cole slaw sounds so good I need to make that too.

  2. Oh no Jackie, I hope your pain eases soon. Sooze

  3. Fell better - it seems our bodies have a mind of their own as we get older.
    Your meals sound delish.

  4. Here's hoping your back pain is relieved soon. Take care!

  5. You certainly have my sympathy with experiencing bad back pain. Please do get it checked out.

  6. Dear Jackie, I hope you are soon feeling better soon. Back pain is very limiting. Movement is probably good to get rid of stiffness. Soup weather yum! I made chicken soup yesterday. Temps have dropped and soup is lovely.

  7. Hope you are feeling better.

  8. Oh no. I hope you are feeling better Jackie. Praying that you will heal fast.

  9. Been missing you this week. Sure hope there is nothing wrong at your place.
