Friday, October 4, 2024

More Photos

 Just a couple more photos from our day trip to Fort Walsh.

Remember how the commander of the fort lived. Well this is the enlisted men's quarters.

Pretty spartan really. The beds were hard boards covered by pelts of various fur bearing animals mostly wolf or bison. Those were used to soften the bed. 

This was the bedroom of the leading Sargent, just a curtained off alcove with no heat.

On to our second day.

We started off with a little bit of a hike down into the park itself. Most everything there was closed for the season so no coffee to sit by the water and enjoy.

We did do a drive around the lake after we got back from our afternoon excursion. 

In the afternoon we visited a winery.

No pictures of the inside as I was too busy taste testing. Harvey was driving so did not partake. We bought a few bottles of fruit wine, and some jam and honey that are produced around the area.

After driving around the lake we went to the cabin and relaxed. Once again seeing lots of squirrels (of course Harvey had to feed them) and some deer in the gully below the firepit area.

Supper was once again cooked on our small charcoal BBQ and the firepit grill. Going old school.

Everybody have a wonderful evening. 

God bless.

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