Wednesday, October 16, 2024

Midweek Once Again

 My goodness the days are just whipping by as well as getting much shorter. Soon winter will be upon us here in the Northern Hemisphere bring us time to stay in and get our homes in order for the next set of holidays.

I promised pictures of my sister and I visiting the last two living sisters of our Mom. Both of them lost their husbands many years ago.

First we traveled to Norquay to visit with the youngest of the girls.

Aunt Alice lives in the house she and Uncle Russel moved into when they left the farm right in the village.

This is a picture of my sister, my cousin Brian, Aunt Alice and myself. Her other daughter lives in B.C and was not there at the time we visited.

Here is a picture of her immediate family.

Brian, his wife Joy, Aunt Alice, Velda, her husband Ken.

We laughed and reminisced about our visits when young to the farm. 

Of course they put on coffee for us and you can tell they were farm folk as the table was loaded with squares, cookies, donuts, and so many other lovely edibles. 

As we left we promised to try and visit at least once a year.

We made it to Yorkton in time to visit those that are no longer with us. The cemetery there is so beautiful and very peaceful.

Aunt Alice decided that she wished to be buried near her sisters and so buried her husband amongst all the Koch's. 

The flowers were lovely and we found out that our cousin Greg's wife, Ruby, made all of them when they came up from Chicago to visit Aunt Isabel. 

We then went out for supper and checked into our hotel room.

The next morning we did a bit of window shopping as we did not want to bother Aunt Isabel too early. At 97 she deserves her rest, though I am pretty sure she was up and waiting for us to arrive.

She finally moved from the home her and Uncle Sam (who just happens to be our Dad's brother) moved to about 40 years ago. She is living in one of the two retirement homes in the city of Yorkton and just hates it. The suite she lives in is very nice, but she does not like the meals and says things are stupidly run... If the fire drill we went through while there is any indication, she is quite correct.

Aunt Isabel and I out in the backyard of the home. We were kind of stuck there and could not get to the muster point as the gate was locked. Guess we could have had some bad burns.

After we got back in the residence Aunt Isabel phoned our cousin Cam and we traveled to Bunkers (the business he owns) to visit for awhile. 

After taking her back to her suite, we headed to the restaurant to meet up with our brother's and Jay's significant others and twin girls. Our youngest brother decided not to come, which was a pity.

After our supper (mix up over the time, of course) it was the long journey home.

Everybody have a wonderful evening.

God bless.

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