Tuesday, October 15, 2024

Tuesday Tidbits And Stuff


The house is quiet once again, perhaps too quiet right now. Work, other than slowly hand stitching the quilt went by the wayside this weekend. 

My back was much better, just a twinge now and again. With Kris's help Thanksgiving dinner went well. He helped by putting the turkey in the oven and taking it out. Saved my back for sure.

Kurt was outside helping Harvey cut branches off the trees. Those now need to be cut down, the bigger portions saved for the firepit, and the smaller ones hauled to the dump next weekend. He then raked the leaves and smaller sticks up for easier disposal. 

Eiko, our grandcat is getting more and more used to us being around. She is still a bit skittish, but at least does not attack us, claws out when we walk by. 

I spent some time yesterday cutting scrap fabric into strips, 4" squares and 6" squares. One more project finished this month. Sure glad that I only have a few small ones left to do. The 6" squares are being edged and then I will be using them as tinkle cloths... Should have enough now to last more than a week. I got the first 20 or so done this afternoon. 

There are tomatoes left to either process or eat. I do think there are too many to eat, but shall give that a try. I have made 6 containers of tomato sauce, 6 jars of salsa and have numerous bags in the freezer of frozen tomatoes to use in chilies and stews over the winter. 

The days are drawing in and soon we will be turning on the heat. Not something I am looking forward to, but Harvey is complaining that it is pretty cold in here mornings. I am keeping my fingers crossed that I can manage to keep it off until at least the end of this week. The house does warm up considerably during the day. 

Stocking up for the winter will be continuing. Mostly canned items and cold/flu type items are left. Plus a few of the gifts still need to be purchased as well. 

My laptop has been acting up and Kris said it is reaching the end of it's life span. We will be traveling some time soon up to visit with him and he can take me shopping for a new one and then gets the joy of transferring from this one to the new one. He also wants to set me up with the "cloud". Scary proposition as then I would need to learn something else. I do have an external hard drive, so perhaps I can talk him into using that instead. This laptop will be used in my sewing/craft room with my embroidery machine and my Cricut. Should work perfectly fine for those things. 

Tomorrow I will post some pictures of our visit to our (my sister went with me) aunts. One is 92 and the other is 97. 

Everybody have a wonderful evening. 

God bless.

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