Friday, February 28, 2025
No Spend Days
Thursday, February 27, 2025
Thrifty and Frugal Thursdays
Thrifty and Frugal
There were the usual frugal and thrifty things happening here on the old homestead. It sometimes seems like I manage no new ideas or habits. However I have a feeling some things are so ingrained that I do them automatically without thinking about what I am doing.
1. I used up most of three spools of yarn working on various mending and sewing. What was left on the spools I wound onto small cardboard rectangles and will use that to sew on buttons.
2. Really happy that I can under budget for this month. Yes I know there is one more day, but we need nothing and so won't be spending anything.
3. Found a couple more items of clothing that I hope to refashion or upcycle next month as one of my goals.
4. Pulled some more 4" squares to make three totes next month, though I may only have enough interfacing to make 2. I will use my gift card to purchase interfacing when we make the trip to visit Kris in a couple of weeks.
5. We have used all leftovers in other meals. However I did have to freeze some Baked Spaghetti as we had enough for another meal. This after a meal of spaghetti and meat sauce and 2 meals of baked spaghetti (this was meals for each of us). I don't think we have had that many meals from a pound of ground beef in a very long time.
6. Still using appliances to cook with, hopefully that cuts bills down a bit. When it was cold and dark our electrical bill was still high this month. Should be lower this month, keeping my fingers crossed.
7. Used up a tube of hand cream, this after cutting it open and getting almost another week out of the tube.
Everybody have a wonderful evening.
God bless.
Wednesday, February 26, 2025
Midweek Musings
Over the last few days much of our snow and ice have slowly been melting away. Roads are becoming snow and ice free, which makes driving a bit slushy, but safe. According to the forecast we are to get a bit of snow the beginning of next week, but nothing like the storms we got other years at the beginning of March.
We should be able to get up and see Kris in a couple of weeks, just need to make sure the vehicle is running properly before we make the trip. Pretty sure neither of us wants to be stuck in the city with no way to get home, especially as Harvey is getting the work done for his new upper partial plate.
No walk to get the mail today, instead I decided to get things straightened up in the sewing/craft room a bit more. I also wanted to get more decluttering/downsizing done. Then of course there was the phone call to our repair guy to make as well. Keeping my fingers crossed that my oven will either be repaired or we learn that it might be better just to purchase a new one. Mind you, at this point I am getting pretty adept at using my appliances to cook with.
As far as decluttering, two pairs of my shoes that are just a tad ill fitting went into the donation bag as well as two of Harvey's older sweatshirts. Tidying wise, made me realize that I have way too much in the sewing/craft room and I really need to work on using things up. So the next month other then finishing off the knitted blanket (if I don't get it done this week) and finishing the embroidered quilt block I am working on, sewing like a mad woman will be taking place and evenings will be spent working on the tied rug.
After the decluttering and the straightening up, I put a new bound edge on the placemats. I am still finding that something (other than all the different sizes) that is bothering me. But it really is a learning process. No weaving will be happening until I manage to get a few other things cleared out.
I already see that the next few months will consist of me doing all I possibly can to shop at home, clear things out, and get items made to be given as gifts or perhaps try and sell at some point in time. It isn't at all frugal to purchase things and then let them sit. Procrastination is a big problem with me, and it will be something to be worked on this year.
Off to visit you all while waiting for our supper to cook.
Everybody have a wonderful evening.
God bless.
Tuesday, February 25, 2025
Tuesday Tidbits and Stuff
Another beautiful day here in the southeast corner of Saskatchewan. Many roads are almost bare of ice and snow. This makes walking and driving so much easier. Though on the road in front of our house there is still quite a bit of ice left.
The engine light stayed off with all my driving today which is awesome. I think that whatever was wrong just might me fixed, all by just re-attaching a line that was forgotten about. Still I will be careful of where we are driving to for awhile.
Shopping was an eyeopener today. Many of the stores are purchasing more products from Canada. However many more customers are doing the same. This means some areas that usually had lots of Canadian goods, were kind of empty. I suppose that is a good thing overall, but they will need to bring in much more. There were no carrots from Alberta so I ended up purchasing some from the U.S., but we did have lettuce from Alberta at quite a price.
While my list was short, because of the price increases, well it added up to a bit more than I had thought. Especially canned goods and produce wise. Still I need to do my part.
The co-pay for a couple of our prescriptions went up as well. I am so glad that we have the extra insurance to help cut down the costs as much as possible.
I did notice that one item had actually dropped. Fuel has gone down a bit, but that always seems to go up and down on a whim. I didn't need to get any today and so I am hoping it stays low for when I actually need to refill.
Off to visit all of you, and then get supper on the table.
Everybody have a wonderful evening.
God bless.
Monday, February 24, 2025
Menu Monday
I am just exhausted, probably from the dentist appointment, picking up the car, and finding out there was still something going wrong with the vehicle. Silly engine light would not go off. So it was back to the dealership, and waiting there for them to discover what was wrong.... Hoping that they would be able to fix it, because if not we wouldn't get it in again until the 21st of March!!
Well after about an hour there was a loose connection found from the battery. It is fixed and on the drive home the check engine light did not come on. Keeping my fingers crossed that it does not come on again tomorrow.
On with the menu plans which will contain 2 days of using up some of the items in the fridge freezer basket.
Baked spaghetti and garlic bread.
Lazy Cabbage Roll casserole from the freezer.
Stuffed shells and a salad.
Leftovers from Monday and leftover salad.
Eggplant Parma, garlic bread.
Saturday (the first day of clearing out)
Ham Pasties.
Pork cutlets, mashed potatoes, salad or perhaps frozen mixed veggies.
It is time to make something for desserts as well, so perhaps unbaked cookies, or puddings.
Everybody have a wonderful evening.
God bless.
Saturday, February 22, 2025
Saturday Roundup
My goodness we are almost at the end of the month and I really need to get cracking on getting a few more projects completed. I am not really moving along too quickly on that list. I still have a week (well 6 days not including today) and I promise not to add anything to said list.
Thought I would share some photos of what I have been up to this week.
Cut up lots of scrap fabric into squares to be used for quilting.
Made chicken stock from the bones that were saved in the fridge freezer. I forgot to take a picture of the ham broth, but I also got 4 containers of that wonderful goodness.Got the placemats woven and learned I need to figure out how to get them all the same size. That was not accomplished, but this is a good first attempt. I also need to learn how to finish the edges better as well.Worked on the patchwork tote bag. I stopped today as I almost made an error. It will be finished tomorrow.
The knitted blanket is coming right along. I am keeping my fingers crossed that it will be completed by the end of the month.
I did do a bit of embroidery on those days that the sun shone, but really did not get that much done on this new quilt block. Perhaps next week.
There has been a bit of decluttering, and tossing things that there just isn't enough of to do anything with. Really neatening up the sewing/craft room and seeing what I can use for future projects.
Next week I will be letting you all know how well I did on the project/goal list for this month and perhaps listing some new projects for March.
I will also be posting the first couple of days of using up the bits and bobs in that fridge freezer basket. I did make a grocery list for this coming week and it is actually quite small and consists of mostly produce, fruit and dairy.
Everybody have a wonderful evening.
God bless.
Friday, February 21, 2025
Friday Frugal Tips
Thursday, February 20, 2025
Thrifty and Frugal Thursdays
Thrifty and Frugal
We are in a heat wave (LOL). Just under freezing by single digits. Vehicle was started, thanks to CAA and it is at the dealership now to try and diagnose the problem. Keeping my fingers crossed that the repair is an inexpensive one.
So what frugal and thrifty things have been happening on the Phillips homestead.
1. Doing all the regular frugal things that I do every week. Lights turned off, clothes hung on lines downstairs, making my own yogurt, using up all that I possibly can.
2. Walked to get the mail today.
3. Made my grocery list using the sale flyers. More Canadian produce or produce from other countries is being introduced in my Co-op grocery.
4. Following my monthly menu to make the most of the meals I have planned.
5. Put a patch on Harvey's winter coat where he melted it on the snow blower.
6. Decluttered some items from both my closet and Harvey's closet.
7. Using a dishwasher tablet container now that it is empty as a little garbage can for threads, yarn and such by my chair.
8. Planning my challenge to use up those items in the freezer basket for at least the first week of March, probably longer if I can stretch things out.
9. As usual, paying bills online to save stamps, time and fuel.
10. Still using appliances to do most of my cooking, though the range top is being used.
Pictures of projects and what I have been up to this week coming tomorrow.
Everybody have a wonderful evening.
God bless.
Wednesday, February 19, 2025
Midweek....Getting Warmer Perhaps
It actually got a bit warmer today that forecast. Lovely as that meant we managed to get the truck started and hopefully will once again get it started tomorrow. Things are not looking so good for the SUV though. It just will not start no matter what we do. I think Harvey is planning on getting it towed into the dealership tomorrow. Hopefully the truck starts once again so that he can follow it down and explain all that is happening.
We will not be going to visit Kris as we will need to stick around and find out what this will cost us. I did find the extra insurance we purchased but the coverage is kind of hard to understand. Hope that some of the repair is covered.
The next month will be one of tightening the frugal belt. Perhaps even tightening it to black belt frugal. Something that I have never really had to do since we were first married. This repair to the SUV could be costly and I do not want to drain the savings too much.
Finished weaving the placemats and tomorrow I will work on hemming them so they are ready to be used. I have left the loom out, pushed back into one corner as if things go quickly with projects next month, I may try those tea towels once again. The patchwork tote will be worked on as well. My goal list is sadly not getting much crossed off this month, so I need to get as much done on it as is possible over the next week.
I decided to get a head start on that fridge freezer basket. Today chicken broth was made, and tomorrow I will make some ham broth from one of the ham bones and perhaps ham and beans out of the other one. I am just not sure if I have the right beans for that. Guess I will find out. I will probably keep a few of the containers up here so as to use them in my March challenge. The rest will go in the chest freezer to be used throughout the month.
Guess I can make the grocery list now as I actually have a way to go shopping, though I hate driving the truck. Perhaps Harvey will take me which I really would prefer.
Off to visit and then get supper made. Today is leftovers from the fridge.
Everybody have a wonderful evening.
God bless.
Tuesday, February 18, 2025
Tuesday Tidbits and Stuff
Still cold, but things look to be turning around tomorrow and better yet come the weekend and into the next week.
Finished tidying the pantries and the home canned items as well. Then I moved on the the fridge freezer basket. There are two reasonably large baskets under a pull out shelf. One contains the meals for the week, and the other contains the bits and bobs from leftover roasts, chicken, broth making bones, and things like puff pastry. I am always amazed at how much in the way of leftover food can be put in that basket.
I am pretty sure that I will be able to feed us for a couple of weeks on on the goodies I found. And after the pork roast on Sunday there will be even more bags to use up. There are a few items in my pantry that need using as well so I will be busy trying to find new and interesting ways to use everything. I also know many meals will have leftovers that will be used for another meal or for lunches.
Funny thing is I always swear that this overly packed basket won't get ahead of me and somehow it does. At least 4 times a year.
Then of course there are all the lentils, rice, beans, pasta and canned meat in the pantry. I have way too many cans of salmon and almost as many cans of tuna.
The first two weeks of March I will be clearing out a few things. this means no monthly menu as such. Rather I will do a weeks plan at a time so as to take advantage of all the riches I have found. This should save us some money as well this coming month as all I will probably be purchasing is some dairy, produce and fruit.
Really happy here as it looks as if I will actually have 4 placemats made out of this loom warp. I hope to finish them off by Friday and have pictures to share of what projects I have been working away on. The only good thing about cold weather and vehicles that won't start, is that one stays home and gets things done.
Everybody have a wonderful evening.
God bless.
Monday, February 17, 2025
Menu Monday
So cold today. None of our vehicles will start and I am pretty sure the SUV needs some kind of repair, either a new battery, or alternator, or block heater. This has been going on since we had the plug in repaired, but never this bad. Harv's truck is not taking a charge very well either so probably needs a new battery as well. Of course this happens when it is -50C with the windchill.
However, those problems will hopefully be taken care of over the next few days (though the SUV will probably need towing). I also doubt that we will be going to visit Kris this coming weekend.
Here are our weeks menus.
Small sausage casserole. This is layers of potatoes, carrots, peas and onions. Then smothered in tomato soup/water mix.
Pork chops in mushroom sauce, rice, peas and carrots. I will slice up the remainder of the cucumber, one of the peppers and use up the rest of the grape tomatoes as another side with dip.
Leftovers from the fridge.
Leftover roast beef made into hash.
Fish fillets, and perhaps some homemade fries (if I get to go shopping and manage to get some potatoes). If not fries probably rice.
Spaghetti and meat sauce with perhaps a salad of some kind.
Pork roast which I will probably marinate and serve with rice and mixed veggies.
So there it is. I am hoping to be clearing a few things out of the freezer and fridge.
Breakfasts will be yogurt, toast or oatmeal. Lunches sandwiches or leftovers.
Everybody have a wonderful evening.
God bless.
Sunday, February 16, 2025
Sunday Ramblings
We are heading into some bitterly cold nights. In fact tonight it might actually reach -50C, I am not too sure if we have ever gotten that cold. Here is hoping our power plant can handle this. Perhaps we won't be able to send any power to North Dakota.... We might actually need it all for ourselves.
We did not go to in person Mass today. Instead watched online from the Cathedral. Really just too cold to even attempt.
Not much has been happening since it is so cold. We haven't been out much and I don't plan on pulling out the recycling tonight or the garbage tomorrow for pick up. Things can wait a week or two, as there are only Hubby and I here there really isn't much garbage or recycling to be had in a week. Unlike my friend who always seems to have overloaded bins.
Tomorrow is a holiday here called Family Day so everyone gets to stay home. I am glad I won't have to worry about Kris going to work and since he works at home on Tuesdays I am hopeful that he will miss the really cold mornings. Heck, he could even work from home on Wednesday if he chooses as they are allowed 2 days a week to do so. Thursday it will be warming up and then if things hold true we should be into some nicer temperatures for awhile.
Kurt is in Alberta and they seem to be missing this nasty weather right now. Keeping my fingers crossed that holds true while he is undergoing Faith Days and Teacher's Convention this coming week.
I did some straightening of my pantry in the kitchen. Lots of part cans of non-stick spray. I have put them in some order to be able to use them up. No idea how that happened at all.
Pulled up the main courses for the week and if we do go to Kris's place on the weekend I will be taking a couple of meals with me. Well at least one meal and perhaps we can stop and pick up some chicken for the other meal. Trying to help him out as much as possible. Pretty sure things could get tight for him, at least he has seniority with the city and his job.
As far as my projects, things are moving along slowly but surely. I might actually manage to get another placemat. It will be nip and tuck though. Perhaps I will be hemming them by the beginning of next week.
Frugal and thrifty things are happening as usual and decluttering is moving along very slowly. As I said before, this could just be the year of using things up as a means of downsizing. The more I use the less there will be to need using.
Watching all of the YouTube video's of people doing pantry challenges and seeing all that I have in mine, I am tempted to try a couple of weeks worth of meals just from what I have.
I am getting much better at making my yogurt. It gets thicker every time and I am beginning to enjoy adding frozen fruit, granola and honey to each morning serving. Much less expensive than purchasing it really and I know what is in it. I need to get some started tonight.
Off to visit with you all, before starting to get the potatoes into the roaster.
Everybody have a wonderful evening.
God bless.
Saturday, February 15, 2025
Today Is Flag Day Here
Today Canada's flag turns 60. I was in I believe Grade 4 when the switch from the Union Jack to the Maple Leaf happened. At that time I just couldn't understand why a new flag was necessary.
Now however I understand perfectly. I love my flag and I love our anthem which has changed over the years to be so much more inclusive.
My little flag banner will be staying up for quite awhile as we go through some difficult times. As Pierre Trudeau said living above an elephant, you feel every movement that elephant makes.
Showing our pride in our country is one way of countering the elephant trying to roll over my homeland.
Everybody have a wonderful evening.
God bless.
Friday, February 14, 2025
Recipe Friday
I was asked to post my recipe for Granola and so here it is. I actually got this from a poster on a forum I am a member of. She wasn't too sure where she got it from so I can't give recognition to the original poster.
Slow Cooker Granola
Combine in a mixing bowl 3 cups oatmeal (not instant), 1/8 cup packed brown sugar, 2 tsp cinnamon (you could use a teaspoon of pumpkin pie spice instead), 1/2 cup shredded coconut, 1/2 cup chopped nuts or sunflower seeds or both (you can actually use any nuts that you have on hand). Add 1/4 cup vegetable oil (I used canola as that was all I had), 1/8 cup maple syrup (or regular pancake syrup), 2 tsp vanilla. Stir until dry ingredients are well coated with the oil and syrup.
Grease the slow cooker pot with butter or margarine and add the mixture. Cook on high 30 minutes with the lid slightly open on one end. Stir and repeat this process 4 more times, stirring after every 30 minutes leaving the lid ajar each time.
Spread on a cookie sheet or jelly roll pan to cool. Once cool add your choice of dried fruit. Store in air tight jar or bag with air pressed out in the refrigerator.
The house smelled awesome while this was cooking.
Sending you all some roses on this day.
Everybody have a wonderful evening.
God bless.
Thursday, February 13, 2025
Thrifty and Frugal Thursdays
Thrifty and Frugal
Yippee, we had a fairly decent day today. Temperatures were pretty much almost normal for this time of year. Just perhaps a tad colder. However tomorrow we will be back in the deep freeze once again. That will hold true for the next 5 or 6 days.
So what frugal and thrifty practices have been taking place on the Phillips homestead.
1. Drapes open on the sunny days to take advantage of the solar heating effects of the sun. Cuts power and electrical costs down a bit.
2. I mended a tote bag that is a few (okay more than a few) years old.
3. Fixed a couple of buttons on one of Harvey's dress shirts that were coming loose.
4. Actually took a bit of a walk today, the fresh air made me feel happy.
5. Using up all leftovers in the fridge. I am happy to report there has been no waste so far this week.
6. Paid bills online to save on gas and errand time.
7. Made some granola to use on my yogurt. This is the first time and it was so easy that I will make it again.
8. Doing with out the oven still and using appliances to do my cooking.
9. Cutting scraps of fabric into 4" and 2" squares to use in quilts or other such items (perhaps even fabric that can be made into clothing).
10. Harvey is repairing his gas ice auger instead of taking it in to a shop to be repaired.
11. I put $100.00 in my savings envelope and $6.15 in the change jars.
12. Froze the sausage buns to use at another time for another meal.
Everybody have a wonderful evening.
God bless.
Wednesday, February 12, 2025
Time Is Flying By
It just seems like yesterday I was doing a midweek post and here we are once again. Where on earth is the time going?
First, I will let you all know that I am not on blood thinners, and I am one of the people in Canada that does not have a GP right now and can't find one. That is another reason for moving as I just might be able to find one in the bigger city. I am hoping that the GP I did have passes the board inquiry with flying colours. I will say that 99% of the women that had him for a doctor (including me) have had no problems with him. Many of us figure someone has it out for him and is using the smallest of excuses to get him in front of the medical board. Right now he is allowed to refill my scripts and that is about it.
The weather is freezing, but the sun is shining. I must remember to close the drapes a bit earlier tonight to see if that helps with stopping me from freezing as the sun goes down. I start adding layers and then taking them off once the furnace starts up once again.
Got a bunch of grocery and store flyers today and much to my amazement most are posting where things are obtained from. Canadians are rallying behind our Prime Minister and purchasing Canadian Made, or Produced in Canada products. I belong to a Facebook page that lists Canadian products, and Canadian companies. That page in the matter of a couple of weeks is over 2 million strong and growing each day. Of course we won't be able to get everything here but many (add me in here) are purchasing from Mexico, Central or South America.
I worked on cutting up some scrap fabric into suitable sized squares and only the tiniest of scraps are being tossed. I had thought of saving those for stuffing, but I no longer make toys. Worked on my embroidery and on my weaving. Tonight I will be working on my knitting. I so hope that I can manage to finish a few more of my goals this month. I really would like to be sewing next month (and of course knitting until the blanket is finished). My plans and goals for next month are already percolating through my brain.
I hope to share some pictures with you all tomorrow of what is happening on the projects front. Perhaps even some finished or almost finished projects. Might be wishful thinking, but I am keeping my fingers crossed for at least two (one of which isn't on the list, but an addition to the list).
No decluttering done yet this month. Kind of figured it would be more of a use it up month or a try and use up lots of the stashes month. So far that seems to be what is happening, and I have a feeling next month could be more of the same. I won't complain as every bit that is used and made into something that can be used by myself or others is a step forward in downsizing. Only thing is I have been looking at foot powered spinning wheels.... Do I need another hobby???? Probably not, but a friend is going to be raising sheep so......
It is also a step towards being just a tad more self-sufficient in a world that has gone slightly (okay perhaps more than slightly) bonkers. A world where bullies threaten, and all of us are left holding the bag.
Off to visit with all of you and then get supper started.
Everybody have a wonderful evening.
God bless.
Tuesday, February 11, 2025
Tuesday Tidbits and Stuff
I am keeping my fingers crossed that this frigid weather leaves us very soon. The weather pundits are saying there could be a change as early as Thursday.
We had hoped to go and visit with Kris this coming weekend and celebrate Family Day with him, but the night temps are still pretty cold. We will probably go up the next weekend instead. We need to look for some wooden chairs and I would like to get some more sewing machine needles, some quilt batting, and perhaps some thermal batting for a few ideas I have for casserole carriers. I will probably also get some heavier wool type fabric to make some vehicle blankets for Kurt and Kris.
There has been a bit of a problem getting our SUV started some mornings. Especially when it hasn't been used for awhile and the temperature falls into the feels like -40C range. Now we have it charged up once again and I make sure to start it and let the engine warm up and the battery charge the last two days.
I can not believe we are almost halfway through this month already and my project/goals list is barely dented. My extra cleaning list on the other hand is disappearing by leaps and bounds. Now that is very strange!!! It is usually the other way around.
Today after all my tasks were completed I grabbed some fabric from the stash and made another tablecloth, definitely needed. While sewing the tablecloth my yogurt was draining in the fridge and I finally have some yogurt once again. I will make another batch in a couple of days. Can a person freeze yogurt I wonder? Sure would be nice if you could.
I did some weaving today. When one of the warp threads broke I ended up cutting off the two placemats and re-warping the loom. I hope I have enough warp on it to get another two done.
Why is it that as you age your skin becomes thinner and bruises much easier? It isn't like I didn't bruise easily before, but now my hands look like I have been in the fight of my life some days. Just covered in bruises that I have no idea how I received them. Most times I can't even wear my rings as they will bruise my finger. This minor question because as I typed this I happened to look at my hands and discovered another bruise that came from who know where.
Off to get supper started. Actually just have to put the thawed casserole into the toaster oven and once that is almost ready, pull out the leftover salad.
Everyone have a wonderful evening.
God bless.
Monday, February 10, 2025
Menu Monday
Here we are at the beginning of what looks to be another frigid week on the prairies of Canada. Just when we figure things are warming up, another Arctic blast arrives.
So here are my menu plans for this week.
That Cream of Celery Soup along with grilled cheese sandwiches.
The Ham and Rice casserole in the fridge freezer. I will make another veggie to have with this.
A container of the meatballs that were made previously along with noodles and a take on a Greek salad.
Chicken strips, honey dill dip (hopefully I can find a recipe for that), leftover hash browns from the freezer and probably the remains of the salad. Perhaps some leftover noodles as well.
Perogies, fried onions and sour cream.
The container of chili I brought up from the chest freezer. Served with toast and sprinkled with cheese.
I did not read my menu correctly and brought up a beef roast. So I will use that and the leftovers will be incorporated into a meal next week. Looks like a roast meal is in the books after me saying I was going to use items up first. The usual roast carrots and roast potatoes as well.
Everybody have a wonderful day.
God bless.
Sunday, February 9, 2025
Sunday Ramblings
Today has been very quiet once again. I have worked on getting a few things completed and have managed to use a bit out of the fridge. There are still a few leftovers in there and those will be used very soon. No waste and shopping from my pantry and freezers seems to be working not too badly.
I do have one problem though. Years ago Harvey was out of work for almost a year, and if it hadn't been for a couple of people in the small village we lived in hiring him to help build things, or his father that hired him to work on the farm, and the family who gave us meat, eggs, and garden produce we wouldn't have made it. This scares me into not wanting to use up too much of my freezers or pantry and also makes me almost hoard sale meats, veggies, and such. I am not sure with the world being the way it is right now, if that will change. Here is hoping it does, as at times I actually forget all that we have.
Weaving needed to be changed today as one of the warp threads tore. I had to cut one of the placemats about three inches shorter than the other. I re-warped the loom which took a bit and started another placemat. Perhaps I am getting the warp a bit too tight, so this next placemat the warp will not be quite as tight and keeping fingers crossed that it will work out. The two finished placemats are in the sewing/craft room and once the next two are completed I will hem them all on my sewing machine.
Off to start supper. Potatoes need to be boiled, salad made and pork cutlets fried. I may even make some gravy for over the top of the cutlets and potatoes.
Everybody have a wonderful evening.
God bless.
Saturday, February 8, 2025
Saturday Roundup
It has been a pretty quiet week here on the old Phillips homestead. Today was slightly busier as I headed out early to get the errands done for the upcoming week. The weather is supposed to be much colder so I braved the cold today and got things completed so as to be able to stay in my nice warm home as much as possible during the cold snap.
This meant that I went to the bank, dropped off the donation bags from last month, got fuel in the vehicle, and did all the shopping. This took about 2 hours this time around, but I was happy that it didn't take me as long to find Canadian goods. I picked up a few items (well actually more than a few) for the pantry as well as some sale meats. I even managed to find brown lentils, something I have been searching for. Those are used in one lentil curry I really enjoy. I think I should have picked up another couple of coconut milk, but I can do so another time.
Home, I put all away and realized that I need to do a pantry stock once again. I keep forgetting to do that. I also changed a few meals on my monthly meal plan to use a few older items up.
Swept the floors, cleaned out emails, and put away the dishes before I left on the shopping excursion. Texted back and forth with my neighbour as well. I think she wanted me to fix some zippers, but my machines do not handle heavy materials like denim in those cases. I gave her the name of a lady who does that kind of work.
Phoned my brother and talked for 45 minutes. Our conversations are always the same. It is really hard to talk to someone who is schizophrenic and has the mentality of a 12 year old.
After that conversation I did some weaving. Not as much as I would have liked but the light was changing.
Project wise this is where I am right now.
This is the car blanket I made from the leftover fabric for my jacket.
The beginning of the knitted blanket for another of Kurt's friends. These blankets are for those who stuck up and protected him from right wing wackos. So I don't really mind making them and they do use up yarn from my rather extensive yarn stash.
I have started on another of the embroidered squares and am slowly getting it completed.
Friday, February 7, 2025
A Quiet Life
I actually think we are entering a quieter lifestyle. Both Harvey and I are pretty content staying home, working in the yard, doing our various hobbies and projects. We enjoy going to visit our sons, playing on the computer, and watching our favourite television shows.
I enjoy trying to find new ways to save a penny here and a dollar there (though lately at times it seems to be more pennies than anything else).
However, I know that this might just be winter talk and come spring or summer we will want to be out and about more. Even then things are still based around our home and family. Neither of us have many close friends, lots of acquaintances but perhaps only one or two that we consider close. Most of Harvey's friends were work related and now that he is retired most seem to have disappeared.
Also when we move we will need to make new friends and as a person ages that is much harder. Especially if one moves to a totally new area.
At one point in time, we thought a small home would be a perfect place to move to. Yet when we look at our youngest son, he really does not even talk to his neighbours and they for sure do not talk to him.
This has caused me to rethink moving plans and I am looking more into condos. There we would see people a bit more and perhaps due to meetings actually meet like minded couples or even individuals. As far as a yard, I am pretty sure youngest would be more than happy to share his with us every so often. He would probably like the fact that we would weed, plant and harvest. Heck we could even add some more fruit trees to his yard. There is lots of room to expand the garden area, and since he is on what could be classified as two lots, there is room to plant trees as well.
As long as the condo has a fairly decent balcony so we can plant a few pots, and room for the smoker (keeping fingers crossed that perhaps the BBQ would fit as well) I thing we could manage. Also many condo HOA fees include heating, water, garbage pick up and a parking spot or two. Some even include electric. That could in fact be a pretty big savings on bills.
Everybody have a wonderful evening.
God bless.
Thursday, February 6, 2025
Thrifty and Frugal Thursday
Thrifty and Frugal
So after the snow we have some fairly high drifts in our driveway. It is actually a bit too windy to snow blow so we probably will not be digging out until tomorrow. Don't want the wind blowing that snow back into our faces.
So what frugal and thrifty practices have happened on the old homestead this week.
Of course I have done the usual practices and I have also been on a use it up spree.
1. I had some leftover fabric from cutting out the pattern for my coat. This fabric is a heavy woolen type and just perfect for what I wanted to do. I made the leftovers into a blanket to use in the car when we travel in the winter. There are a couple of fair sized pieces left so I have put those back in the sewing/craft room and will find a project where I can use those. I really need to use my serger/overlocker a bit more often.
2. I rehemmed a pair of my pants.
3. Pulled out some fabric and two runners (they need to be embroidered eventually) and am planning out two new tablecloths.
4. Made veggie soup using those containers of leftover veggies from the fridge and some rather wilted celery.
5. Since the weather has been so yucky we have not been anywhere so no spending has occurred for 5 of the first 6 days of this month. We did have to pay for Hubby's partial plate on one day.
6. Using up leftovers either for lunches or for another meal in the weeks menus. Something I have done for years, but am getting so much better at that.
7. Researching Canadian businesses and places where one can purchase Made In Canada goods.
Everybody have a wonderful evening.
God bless.
Wednesday, February 5, 2025
Midweek News
This morning I tried to start the vehicle and of course after not starting it for a number of days and the frigid cold, it would not start. Harvey got the battery charger on it and within about an hour the battery was up to charge, and it started.
Once he got home from his dental appointment he worked on getting a cord in so as to plug the vehicle in. Which is good as we are now under a heavy snowfall warning with up to 20 cm falling (only 4") and lots of wind.
This is what it looks like outside right now. Earlier I could see all the way across the valley floor. No longer is that possible.
You can't really see how the snow is falling as the flakes are not large and fluffy. I can see a day of digging out tomorrow. No place we need to go so will spend most if not all the day tomorrow inside after shoveling or snow blowing.
My menu plan for today calls for soup.... I was going to make up the container of frozen Cream of Celery Soup, but Harvey when told it was a soup and sandwich day asked if it could be Vegetable Soup. Since I had some small containers of veggies in the freezer from other meals, some celery that was wilting, and half a green pepper I said sure. I also got to use up some frozen tomatoes and the last of some condensed beef broth. Boiled some eggs and made egg salad for sandwiches as well.
There should be more then enough to have a container or two in the chest freezer.
I really like it when I can use things up and more or less clear them out, even if it is made into part of another meal. No waste in this house. This means even the chicken curry that really did not taste great will be used for our supper tomorrow. I may add some more spices when I reheat. I also plan on making flat breads to be eaten with and a small cucumber salad as well.
I am also going to wait another month before getting the oven fixed I think. Really with the appliances I own that should not be a problem. I have managed this long, and even though my bread gets a bit well done I can still bake bread and cakes. I can even make pies in the toaster oven which is awesome. Years ago I purchased a mini donut maker and am planning on using that sometime very soon (it has been awhile). Kurt purchased me a mini pie maker which will be pulled out and used as well. The cake pop maker and the mini cupcake maker are in a bag to be donated. Those were used last when I was an aide and would bring the occasional treat to school for the children. Out of the house they go.
Projects are moving along, perhaps not as quickly as I would like but a bit is being done each day and eventually those larger ones will be completed and I could start on some new large ones. I have two counted cross stitch unfinished projects I would like to finish at some point this year.
Still looking at properties in the city our youngest lives in and have found a few that we (or rather I like), but it will be awhile before we are ready to move. Yet the way the years are passing by that time could arrive very soon.
Off to get some knitting completed, and to check and make sure I have visited all of you.
Everybody have a wonderful evening.
God bless.