Thursday, March 20, 2025

Thrifty and Frugal Thursdays

 Thrifty and Frugal 

We have had some lovely sunny and double digit warm days. The snow is disappearing and with the heat our favourite bugs are coming out of hiding (not really our favourite). This means spraying to kill them, which is a never ending task for Harvey. 

I am aching a bit more and so decided to look at the weather forecast for the next little while. What do you know, it seems we will be getting snow late next week and into April. Looks like winter is still holding on for awhile yet.

On to the reason for this post. 

Things are still being done in a frugal or thrifty manner here.

1.  I am trying to grow some celery from the butt end of a bunch. So far nothing happening, but it is early times as of yet.

2.  Kris planted some eggplant and peppers for us, and has promised me some more flowers as well.

3.  As usual I hung clothing on the lines downstairs to dry on Monday.

4.  Drapes are wide open to take advantage of the solar heating through our large picture window. 

5.  Used up a great many small 4" squares and made a flimsy to be used once quilting takes place around the firepit on cooler nights.

6.  Bought fabric, sewing needles, and thread on sale. 

7.  Still using up items that need using in the fridge freezer to make our meals. This will probably continue into next week as there are still a few things in there to use.

8.  Fixed a hem on one of my skirts, and sewed buttons on one of Harvey's shirts.

9.  Used up lots of partial bobbins and spools of thread. I also used up some embroidery floss.

That is about all I can think of right now, but hopefully some new ideas will be posted next week. Pretty sure you are all tired of the same things over and over again.

Everybody have a wonderful evening.

God bless.


  1. I've got so many bobbins of thread that I've collected over the years. I love it when I use one up. It's so satisfying.

  2. Not tired of the same old. That’s how frugal works.
    I’ve been making a bunch of fabric bowls. I’m using all kinds of bits and pieces and threads. We did a huge food shop that week so no spending this week unless it was birthday money or allowance. I don’t count those from the budget. We just got slammed with snow and more coming in a few days. We’re in the U.P. of Michigan. But, we had sun today!

  3. Well done and not fed up at all - I love all your posts. xx

  4. Good week. I have done celery several times. I never got big stalks - but lots of smaller ones that worked just fine in cooking. It is fun reusing something most think of as trash.

  5. I tried to come up with something frugal we did this week and beyond staying home and having 3 no-spend days it's pretty much the same old thing. The RC did come up with something though - he's planning to recycle Keiurig cups to start his seeds.

  6. Nice of Kris to start some plants for you. He has a hydroponic set-up for it, doesn't he? It's a great way to get a start on the season.
    More snow expected tomorrow, and possibly freezing rain. I am hoping to get out of the city before it hits.

  7. Don't forget that the ant spray makes a great stainless steel polish!

  8. I am sorry to read that you're aching. Celery and also carrot tops work for me in water. And spring onions. Here's to your adventures in growing. Have you tried sprouts. Super fun to do.

  9. I love to read all you've been up to. Frugality is key to our life here in the UK 🇬🇧 too and I can always pick up a few tips from you. Sending hugs,
    Angie x
