Home once again, after a lovely visit with Kris. It was so nice to get away for a bit, even though I did some cleaning and cooking. At least he had an oven that worked. LOL. Kris did cook our meal on Saturday, and I helped him prepare tomatoes for tomato sauce to be canned in his pressure cooker. Now that was an experience.
Okay so now my post is being centered even after I have made it left align. Once again Blogger is acting up for me. Hopefully the menu plans will be okay this way. Now since we were gone for a few days, my menu plan is pretty much moved around with meals scratched out and new ones put in. Sometimes up to three changes.
Meatballs in Mushroom Soup, served over noodles. We will finish off the salad from last night's meal.
Salmon fillets, rice, and broccoli.
Chicken Soup and egg salad sandwiches.
Soft tacos to use up some items in the freezer. Served with sour cream, shredded lettuce, cheese and chopped tomatoes.
I have some fake crab meat in the fridge freezer that has been there for awhile so I will make a casserole. Served with green beans.
The remains of the taco meat made into some more soft tacos.
Warmed up leftover roast beef served with mashed potatoes, corn, and gravy.
There are a few more items in the fridge freezer that need using up so the menus for the remainder of this month will be taking those into account. I am always surprised at how many leftover bits and bobs are located in the freezer.
Everybody have a wonderful evening.
God bless.
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