I am starting the first full week of my clean out the fridge freezer challenge to my self. Of course today I am using up the leftovers from our Saturday meal made from the bag of frozen ham I pulled out.
Leftover Ham Pasties and leftover salad from Sunday.
Vegetable soup and egg salad sandwiches.
The bag of frozen chicken meat made into a casserole. Serving with leftover salad and some asparagus.
A package of the leftover pork roast made into another casserole. If the salad is all gone by this time I will make coleslaw. Also serving asparagus with this I hope.
Tuna patties, coleslaw and perhaps one of the noodle mixes that need using up.
Leftover Chicken casserole, salad.
The leftover Baked Spaghetti and probably coleslaw (lots of cabbage that needs using).
I am almost tempted to go and visit with Kris this weekend instead of next as the weather might be a bit snowy that weekend. This would however mean changing menu plans for a couple of days. Not a bad thing, but one that would probably mean not using things up as quickly as I would like. We shall see, I may talk to Harvey about this idea in a couple of days.
Everybody have a wonderful evening.
God bless.
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