Monday, May 9, 2016

Menu Monday


Soup and sandwiches. I have some chicken carcasses in my freezer so I will make stock for my homemade soup. Chicken Veggie Soup with ham salad sandwiches (couple of cans of ham flakes need using).


Pulling out a package of leftover pork roast from the freezer. I think a stir fry might be just the ticket. Served with rice.


That last package of leftover ham will be made up into a casserole (weather getting colder again so we will need something hearty).


A clean out the fridge of leftovers night.  Got to get those bits and bobs out and see that nothing goes to waste.


Baked Salmon, steamed veggies, and noodles.


BBQ Hamburgers. The weather is supposed to get much cooler but start to warm up again on this day (that is if you can believe the weather forecast) so may as well get Harvey out with the tongs once again.


Roast chicken, roast potatoes, roast carrots, and probably a salad. Leftover meat will be bagged and saved to be used in recipes later on.

Everybody have a wonderful day.

God bless.


  1. As always, your menu sounds great...we had a huge ham for Mother's Day luncheon when all our kids were here and I sliced up the leftovers, into bags and into the freezer..ham bone frozen to use in a pot of red beans later...also froze 3 bags of leftover brisket. Like you, I just love having things in the freezer...something that was really great with our lunch was a large bag of crockpot creamed corn that I'd was sooo good. Going to make more for the freezer next week.
