Monday, July 24, 2023

Menu Monday


Menus will be changing once again. We are way too hot to do much in the way of cooking. I foresee lots of main dish salads to use a few things up.

Tonight is Harvey's 73rd birthday so I made a pie...warmed up the house considerably, but the oven is off now so hopefully it cools down a bit. The air conditioner is running way too long. Perhaps we should add some fans to the mix other than just the kitchen overhead fan.


Today was Harvey's choice. We will be having BBQ pork chops, and creamed potatoes. Perhaps some sliced cucumbers and peppers as another side.


There is some leftover steak which I plan on thinly slicing and adding thinly sliced celery and onions mixed in a mustard dressing and served over a bed of lettuce. There is another small steak that I may get Hubby to throw on the smoker early so that I have enough leftovers for another meal.


Tuna pasta salad... Making enough for two nights suppers.


The leftover steak salad.


Tuna pasta salad.


It is supposed to be cooling off here so I will make glace and eggs.


Ham, scalloped potatoes and a tossed salad (or a cucumber salad). This will be made outside in my electric roaster.

So there you have it, hopefully this is the last of the changes.

Everybody have a wonderful evening. 

God bless.

Thanks for all the supporting posts. They are greatly appreciated.


  1. Happy Birthday to Harvey! And the meals sound delicious - he is a lucky chap to have you feeding him. xx

  2. We're using the grill a lot this week, hamburgers, smokies, and chicken for sure. I made potato salad on the weekend (that my son won't eat), did French fries in the air fryer last night. Tonight is taco salads. Anything to keep the house cooler.
    I'm like you, I feel the a/c is running too much and I've got the thermostat set to 24C, I hate to think if I had it at 22C.

  3. Happy birthday to Harvey. May I come for dinner?

  4. Happy Birthday to Harvey. 73 is just getting started...

  5. Belated happy birthday to Harvey! Tony just passed his 84th and thinks he feels much older all of a sudden. Anyway, always love your menus.

  6. Happy, albet now belated, birth day to Harvey! We share our birthday month with him.
