Tuesday, July 18, 2023

Tuesday Tidbits


Almost caught up, but I wish that I had spent some time weeding the perennial bed this morning.... It will be started tomorrow morning, before I go and drop a little gift off for the friend who looked after the plants while we were gone.

I promised some pictures of our holiday.... 

This is the cabin we stayed in. A bit rustic, and the kitchen was super small, as was the bathroom.

It did have two beds with lots of pillows. One in a room by itself and one in a nook off the living area.

Harvey took the bedroom one and I had the one in the nook. The beds were extremely comfortable.

This was the living area where we had our coffee each morning as it was just too cold to have it outside on the deck. Drat.

There used to be a fireplace in the cabin at one time, but in order to probably meet standards they put in electric fireplaces. And that came in handy for most mornings.

This was our fire pit area. Harvey fell in love with the fire pit here and just had to find one here to replace our old one with. What is nice is that it gives out heat all around. We enjoyed sitting beside it most nights. 

There was plenty of space between cabins so no one really intruded on another's set of campers space. 

Other than the kitchen being too small, I had a few minor complaints. There was no toaster and only one  large bowl in the kitchen. Also the WIFI was pretty much non-existent which made it hard to keep up with email and such. Hubby so wanted to watch the Blue Jays on a stream and just couldn't stay connected. Funny thing was each cabin had it's own WIFI extender.

I think I have bored you enough for one night. Tomorrow I will post pictures of the hike we took twice. We really like the marsh hike and the floating docks.

Everybody have a wonderful evening.
God bless.


  1. Where were you that it was cold????
    Nice little cabin. Looks cozy. I always liked being 'unhooked' when we went out camping!
    Love that firepit.

  2. It looks a lovely place to visit but not to stay longer term and the spacing and privacy sounds lovely. xx

  3. Rustic can be nice but we are all so spoiled with our electronics these days that we forget how to enjoy peacefulness. I'm sure you still enjoyed the getaway. 😊

  4. Glad you enjoyed your vacation. It's nice to get away from home and have a break somewhere different.

  5. It sounds like a place to get away from it all, including being on-line. I can understand Harvey's frustation of not being able to watch the Blue Jays, though.
    it's raining here today, the weeds get to grow. :)

  6. I’m like Cheryl, wondering where you were that it was cold. That sounds so nice, I love to snuggle up to a warm fire. Th fire pit looks like a nice one too.

  7. Fire pits are not at all common here at campsites here in New Zealand. I do know that they are very popular with Australisn campers.

  8. Seeing your space reminds me of the cabin we had on our honeymoon (almost 44 years ago). The fire pit looks lovely and as safe as one of those things can be.
