Sunday, March 2, 2025

Sunday Ramblings


Sunny but fairly cool today. I don't think winter has left this tiny corner of Saskatchewan as of yet. 

Woke up to extreme back pain, which is nothing really new when the weather has these fairly large changes. I will be rubbing some of my mint salve into the back and hips tonight.

I might have bit off a bit more than I can do with my goals and plans this month, but all I can do is try and complete as many of them as is possible. It actually takes my mind off what a crap show the world is becoming.

Knowing we can only control what we can control is really not helping. The worry of family members perhaps losing jobs, inflation rising, perhaps a recession hitting my country, is nothing if not nerve wracking. 

Lots of articles on how to stretch your retirement savings are seemingly coming out of no where. Do we have enough to make it through our old age, when the necessary amount seems to be rising exponentially? How can we manage on our savings when now the number crunchers are saying perhaps we need more?

I worry about Kurt and Kris. How are they going to manage this down turn? 

Yet life goes on. There is still beauty in the world. I got to see 5 mule deer on our street this morning.

Life can still be wonderful, we just have to weather the bad stuff.

Everybody have a wonderful evening. 

God bless.

Saturday, March 1, 2025

Saturday Roundup

 Well today I thought that I would see how well I did with the goals and plans this month. 

1.  Declutter/Use Up. This is on going but I did manage to use up some thread, use up some 4" squares, and some embroidery skeins as well.

2.  Weave the placemats. Done.

3.  Embroider quilt block. Ongoing, but should manage to get it done well before the end of the month.

4.  Knit blanket. Done.

5.  Cut more fabric scraps into 4" and 2" squares. Done.

6.  Use leftover coat fabric to make a blanket for the car. Done.

7.  Sew patchwork tote bag. Done.

8.  Make one tablecloth. Done.

Not a bad month at all though I was concerned at one point when things were taking a bit longer than I thought the projects were going to take.

Now on to this months Goals.

I might have bitten off more than I can get done this month.

1. Knit tank top.

2. Finish embroidering quilt block and start the next one.

3. Sew cut out jacket.

4. Sew two totes at least.

5. Cut any scrap fabric into 4 and 2 inch squares.

6. Declutter/Use up

7. Start hand tied rug.

8. Drop off donations.

9. Copy recipes from 3 books. 

10. Make one quilt top.

Let's see how far I get on this one.

Everybody have a wonderful evening.

God bless.