Saturday, March 2, 2024

Saturday Roundup


No real pictures this time around as nothing was really finished. I did manage to get all my supplies out for this month's projects and that is a very good thing. Means no running around trying to find what I need. I will need to get out the safety pins when it comes to sandwiching the quilt. Hopefully I will get that done tomorrow.

The snow has started, but at the moment it isn't too bad. The wind is very strong from the east and so is more or less blowing down the street and not really sticking anywhere. That will probably change as the snow finds the small cracks in the pavement and begins to build up over time.

I have been doing some reading in my Simpler Living book. The author talks about how this isn't a new fad but one that is centuries old. He talks about the Puritans and there simple life, then about the Quakers and their simple lives. 

I love this passage in the book; "Today the movement is so widespread that the term simplicity means many things to many people. Among the many definitions are the following: more time, less stress, more leisure, fewer bills to pay, less clutter, less to clean and maintain, greater peace of mind, and spirituality. Your quest for simplicity may encompass one or all of these notions."

Just goes to show that simplicity means different things to different people. I also think that what stage of life you are in would be a big factor.

What does simplicity mean to you?

Everybody have a wonderful evening. 

God bless.


  1. I think, to answer your question, that simplicity to me mainly means using what I have and not adding to what we already own. Eventually I'm hopeful that my stash will lessen which will mean less 'stuff' for our boys to deal with when I'm gone.

  2. The snow came down this morning and early afternoon, but we didn't get much more than a skiff. It sounds like the heavy snow will hit us in the middle of the night and carry on through to Tuesday morning. I forsee lots of shoveling in my future!
    For me, simplicity is having less responsibilities (bills fall into that space), less stuff/clutter in my life, and definitely more time.

  3. Years ago, someone told me that nothing eternal can be bought. That was the beginning of my change of thought about the "stuff" in my life. I want nice things, but I won't sacrifice the people or the peace in my life to have it.

  4. Simplicity to me means using what I have on hand - make do & mend kind of thing. Not just buying for the sake of it. Simplifying in all areas - cooking, gardening, creating etc. I think you are right & it can mean different things depending on where you are at in life. Take care Jackie xx

  5. We had a windy day here but from the southwest so it was a warm wind.
    Simplicity for me=anything that doesn't cause me stress. That includes everyone around me too.

  6. Good question.
    I think it means a lifestyle where I have plenty of time to do what needs to be done, what I want to do and a bit left over for just chilling. I'm not sure that's totally an answer because it's an outcome really but I do know it's not a 'negative thing, it's not all about the things I don't do or don't want to do.
    (that doesn't make total sense, sorry!)

  7. Simplicity for me means being satisfied with life's simple pleasures and not needing to seek out excitement or the approval of others. Also being able to work less, as I need less money to get by and therefore the having time to do the things I love doing.
