Friday, July 19, 2024

Back Once More


My quest towards simpler living took another step forward this week. I actually cleared out some of the cookbooks I purchased over the many years we have lived in this house. Some I have never even opened. There are a few that I need to copy some recipes out of, especially one of my mother's books that have some of her favourite handwritten recipes in. In actual fact I don't really think she used this cookbook for much else.

How am I doing this Plastic Free July?

Well not too badly actually. What plastic bags I have been using are reused for something else, I have moved my dried herbs this year from bags to glass jars, and I am working on trying not to use as many garbage bags.... Harvey has even bought some large paper bags for his grass cuttings. I think that each year I manage to cut another layer of plastic from use around the house. Now if I could only do the same for tinfoil!!

A couple of days ago, Kurt and I went foraging and I picked echinacea to dry and make tea this winter. This will be a good way of knowing if this is something I wish to continue. After washing and partially drying I have tied them into little bunches and have them hanging from the curtain rod in the sewing/craft room.

The guys are at the football game by now, and I have done a bit of cleaning here at Kris's. Pretty sure after a bit of rest I will do some more.

Everybody have a wonderful evening.

God bless.


  1. I'm facing some major issues with my Blogger account. I've lost all my followers and reading list, and my most recent posts aren't going through. I'm feeling very frustrated and almost to tears because of this. However, I still have 2 years left on my paid-up domain, so I decided to transfer everything over to WordPress instead of just quitting. I don't want to waste money!!! I am so done with Blogger!

    If you're unable to follow me on Wordpress, I completely understand.

    Take Care

  2. I need to sort out my cookbooks a bit more - I have way too many. xx

  3. I love that you are ridding your home of so many different things. Love getting rid of plastic.

  4. Glad to hear you're enjoying family time with your family. Enjoy your stay at Kris's.

  5. It is great that you are reducing plastic. My pet peeve is the berries packaged in plastic but I don’t see an alternative so far.

  6. We use so much plastic here, Saran wrap, freezer bags and sandwich bags are almost daily use products. I do wash and re-use sandwich bags if I see them before they land in the bin. Then there are the bags that buns and bread come in and bags for vegetables. We do re-use some of those but there are more than is practical to use.
    I'm sure the guys enjoyed the football game, it was a win for our team, even if the game was a bit of groaner.

  7. We went through all our cookbooks not too long ago and got rid of most of them. We also went through the recipes we had on cards and got rid of over half of those too. RC seems to make the same things because they're our favourites so there's no point storing a ton of 'maybe' recipes.
