Saturday, July 13, 2024

Saturday Roundup


Really this week has been more of a catchup week since we were gone for a number of days. Still more needs to be done, but the heat is causing havoc with my head and intestines. Still I do a bit each day extra and that seems to be going well.

Today I gave the dehydrator a bit of a rest, but tomorrow it will be back in use. There are lots of calendula blossoms to pick, white clover to pick, and of course there is always lots of herbs to dehydrate as well. 

This week I managed to get a few more mittens made, three cloth napkins totally completed, extra washing done, swept of the deck, did some weeding (still more to do, but it has been so hot and I have been sleeping in). 

Fitted in a visit to the dentist as well for my cleaning which happens three times a year. My next appointment is October.

I even got the shopping done today. Spent a bit more than planned, but am well stocked for when Kurt comes either tomorrow or on Monday. 

What haven't I gotten done?

I need to get the cloth napkins completed so as to warp my loom once again, my rhubarb looks more than ready to pick (even though Hubby transplanted it this spring), the deck furniture could use a good wipe down/cleaning, and of course as is usual the sewing/craft room needs a tidy. Still half a month to get things done though so I am going to work on getting these tasks completed, and finding netting to cover my cherries (seems the robins may have discovered them). 

I also need to make an appointment at the walk in clinic to get my prescription filled. Hopefully they give me more than a 1 month refill. Now that would be a pain.

Off to visit with you and then get supper started.

Everybody have a wonderful evening.

God bless.


  1. Gosh you got a lot done and a visit to the dentist, a busy week.

  2. What is that saying, "moss doesn't grow under your feet". You're a busy lady. Enjoy your visit with Kurt.

  3. I just wanted to wish you well and say Goodbye. I've enjoyed your posts and making comments. I will miss you very much.
