Tuesday, July 23, 2024

Tuesday Tidbits and Stuff


It has been a busy two days since we have been home. I am trying to get as much done as possible since we will be heading back to Regina tomorrow for my Bone Density test. This will be my third as I suffer from severe osteoporosis, not a fun diagnosis at all. I need to remember to be extremely careful in what I do. I was on a bone building pill for 5 years but after that needed to go off it for awhile. 

So what have I been up to....

Monday saw the usual household tasks along with dehydrating and picking cherries (we actually did the cherry picking when we got home on Sunday as well), still have more that will need picking probably tomorrow evening. The tent contraption that Harvey purchased online really works well, so we will be purchasing a second to keep the birds out of the trees. 

I did about 7 inches of weaving, finished off a pair of mittens and started a second pair of this colour. Looks like there might even be enough to make a smaller pair later. 

Of course there were plants to water as well, and since I was doing that I picked herbs to dehydrate, and found two smallish cucumbers in the garden to add to our salad last night. 

I did pick lavender and white clover but will especially need more lavender. There should be enough white clover dried by the end of the week to make my infused oil with that.

At the end of this week I will check the echinacea I hung up to see if it is dry enough to chop up and store for winter teas. 

The calendula infused oil was started today and I made two containers of cherry pie filling. Thursday will see me making cherry jam and perhaps if I am lucky there will be enough cherries to make some more pie filling.

I was asked what Kris's cat's name is. Her name is Eiko and she is actually getting a bit used to us when we visit. This time she was sleeping behind my legs one night, and almost cuddled with Harvey as he slept on the couch. 

Hope to have lots of pictures for you tomorrow.

Everybody have a wonderful evening.

God bless.



  1. I hope the bone density test goes well for you Jackie. That is not a fun diagnosis to have - no wonder you have to be so careful. xx

  2. Boy, you hit the ground running when you got home. Busy lady. Good luck with your bone test.
    Kitty must like gram and grandpa!

  3. I hope the bone density test goes well, at least as much as it can. Safe travels!
    Wow, you did a lot in a couple of days.

  4. I hope you get everything done that your want to before heading back for your scan. Life seems to get so hectic these days, it's hard to keep on top of everything.

  5. You've been really busy - you'll need a holiday! I might consider getting a dehydrator in the future.

  6. You certainly have been busy, busy.

  7. That's a lot of cherries you must have! I'm jealous even though I know it is a lot of work.
    i never even thought of drying the Echinacea for tea, duh, mine has just bloomed in the last day or two.

  8. I'm sorry about the osteoporosis - as you say, not nice at all. I hope the test went well. xx

  9. I guess by now you will have had your test and I hope it went well. So jealous about your nice fresh cherries!
