Thursday, July 11, 2024

Thrifty and Frugal Thursday

  Thrifty and Frugal

Since we have been home I have been busy trying to get caught up on tasks around the house. It has been so very warm, not at all the temperatures we are used to at the beginning of July. Usually these show up towards the middle or end of the month. So the not so frugal or thrifty thing happening here on the old homestead is the air conditioner is running pretty much constantly.

There have been a few frugal and thrifty things happening though.

1.  For the first time this year, I actually got to hang absolutely all the washing on the lines outside to dry.

2.  The money leftover from the amount I saved for the reunion was put into my savings envelope to be used for craft supplies, fabric and perhaps a larger reed for my loom.

3.  Using rain water to water all the outside plants, hopefully we get some more rain before it is drained.

4.  I got in for my missed dental cleaning and got lots of little freebies (the cost of the cleaning wasn't that bad either).

5.  I am slowly using up the yarn my friend gifted me with to make all those mittens. I seem to be slowing down though.

6.  I mended a pair of socks, sewed on a missing button, and turned the collar on one of Harvey's loved button down shirts.

7.  I have kept on using appliances for cooking, and Harvey has BBQ fever so that saves heating up the house.

8.  I spent some time organizing pictures on the computer and now have them all in folders, soon to be moved to a thumb drive I hope.

Everybody have a wonderful evening.

God bless.


  1. Lots of thrifty frugal savings going on Jackie. I have my washing hung on the line today - we had a heavy frost but the day is sunny with a light breeze. Hoping to get it all dry as there was lots. xx

  2. You sound like you've been super busy since you got back. Can you send some of that sunshine our way please. I'm over the weather here in the UK.

  3. I have an external hard drive to save photos. I know they automatically go to the "cloud" as well as on my computer, but since I don't know where the cloud is or how to find it, I prefer to have a copy that I can easily access.
    We've had a thunderstorm already this morning, and the radar suggests we'll be into another shortly. Like you, I'm happy for the rain to fill the barrel as I've been using the rain water for the containers. The garden needs a good soak too. Just no hail, thankyou!

  4. Just read your latest posts, Jackie. I do hope the reunion went well. Hope the weather cooperated. I wish Tony barbequed but he has no interest. Our weather has been wild here with so much rain!

  5. Sounds like a good week for you, Jackie, in spite of the heat. Hopefully you all will see some relief soon.

  6. we dry year round on a rack indoors that gets a ton of sun. In the winter, it can take a few days, but with these temperatures, we're at a few hours until everything is totally dry! (Hawaii Planner)

  7. You've reminded me that I really should invest in a thumb drive and load all the pictures onto it. I print any that I really want to keep so I suppose I could turf the ones I've saved on the computer.
