Sunday, July 14, 2024

Sunday Ramblings


Well, Kurt arrived at about 4 pm, which was a bit later than I had thought he would. Still I am glad that I had supper started and will be serving it soon.

Maebeme, those wacko's are still after him when ever they get a chance. Still he is handling it well with the help of friends and his other staff. His students love him and I have a feeling they would be up in arms and protesting at the school should things get out of hand. 

My Mother's day present was a lovely candle and some sleep inducing tea (which I should really get into using). Kurt also brought me back some thimbles for my collection. 

Harvey got a couple of puzzles and a whole bunch of fishing lures and such. 

Both of us got small bells that we can hang on our Christmas trees from Capris. 

I managed to get 5 more cloth napkins fashioned and I hope to get the remaining 8 done (or at least close to being done) tomorrow. We shall see. 

Picked lots of calendula and white clover. I am getting closer to having enough to make those infused oils.

I have been waiting for two and a bit years for an appointment at Nuclear Medicine for my bone density test, almost thought my doctor forgot to request said test. I got the appointment on Friday. Now that is a very long wait, and the questions they I doubt I can remember most of the dates. 

Off to get supper on the table.

Everybody have a wonderful evening.

God bless.


  1. Hi Jackie ... we have long waiting lists here for appointments too - it is quite appalling really. I am pleased you finally got your appointment for the bone density. xx

  2. What a weird old world we live in, to be sure. I am glad Kurt is so well supported.
    Good luck with the bone density test - and the preliminary paperwork!! xx

  3. What lovely gifts you both received. Glad you got a visit.
    Sounds like you have been keeping real busy.
    Boy oh boy, that is a long time to wait for an appointment. That is crazy.

  4. Good to hear that Kurt is there for a visit, and brought such lovely gifts. It annoys the crap out of me that he's still dealing with those nut cases.
    Enjoy your weekend!

  5. Hope your bone density scan goes well after waiting all this time. Lovely to get a visit from Kurt. Nice thoughtful presents too.

  6. I had my bone density scan in May and it showed I have osteoporosis, so I have been working on getting more calcium in on a regular basis. I hope yours comes back as a good report!
