Saturday, December 7, 2024

Saturday Roundup


This week has been one of mostly getting those extra cleaning tasks done before I am invaded by the in laws Christmas Day. So not too many finished projects to share with you all.

I did finish my spool knit belt.

Nothing special but will do the trick until I can weave myself something better.

I finished the soup mixes for the baskets.

One red lentil soup mix and one split pea soup mix for each basket.

I also finished the mitts and added those to the baskets as well.

What I am missing a picture of is the recipe cards that contain family recipes. Those were put in the baskets immediately upon finishing so I wouldn't lose them.

I did start the second knitted blanket and have gotten a bit done on it. While it probably will not be done by the time Kurt leaves, it should be close. 

The weather will be changing once again so I went to the furthest place today and picked up what was needed there. I will go to the closer grocery store on Monday, as driving on icy roads a couple of blocks is not quite as daunting to me. 

My life is just so exciting. LOL.

Everybody have a wonderful evening.

God bless.


  1. Sounds like you got much accomplished! Gifts that will be loved.

  2. I'm getting to the point with Christmas where I don't want to set foot in any stores for any reason. As it gets closer battling the crowds is simply not my idea of fun. I have a few social things I need to do between now and the day and some last minutes gift bags to finish for those (just need to add a jar of preserves to each bag and add the gift tag and can call them done).

  3. Ha ha, Invasion of the In-laws! Isn’t that a horror movie? Wait, that’s the Invasion of the Body Snatchers!
    My bad!

  4. The soup mixes look great! What a thoughtful gift. The mittens look so good too. Those are going to be such nice gift baskets.

  5. What a good idea the soup mixes are for the hampers. Good idea to go to the furthest place to stock up before your bad weather hits.

  6. You're certainly making good progress. Hopefully the storm doesn't hit you too hard. We're expecting a dump of snow here starting later today.

  7. You are so good to be making such thoughtful gifts for Christmas. I live a similarly exciting life, part of which is paying too much attention to weather forecasts to also decide if and where I will drive. :)

  8. You are making great progress on getting ready for Christmas.

  9. Take care in the cold weather. I love your mitts.
