Sunday, July 29, 2018

Sunday Ramblings

It has been an eventful couple of days.

On Friday I decided that it was time to pick cherries and got Harvey to set up the ladders. The short step ladder to pick the lower branches and the taller ladder to reach just a bit higher.

I noticed something as I picked the lower branches. Once again the cherries were rotting on the tree, the birds were not even eating them any longer. I did manage to find a few, but decided to start with the step ladder. After all that would give me another foot of picking. Still the pickings were slim.

I moved on to the larger ladder and used it to pick even higher in the trees. I did have to get Harvey to move it for me but that was a small price to pay as being up three rungs lead to better quality cherries to pick.

I had him move it one more time and this was closer yet to the step ladder which made picking easy as I could drop the cherries into the bucket on the step ladder.

Now, I am terrified of heights and will only go up three rungs of a large ladder, but things were going so well I decided that I could manage four rungs without hyperventilating. It was going well until...…

I was dive bombed by a wasp!! Another thing I am terrified of. Harvey will tell you that sitting on the deck if a wasp comes anywhere near me I am gone. I hide in the house until it is safe to once again sit in the fresh air.

Now in the grand scheme of things having a wasp dive bomb me while picking cherries is a usual happening, this time there were unforeseen consequences.

You see I forgot that I was up four rungs in my haste to descend from the attacking beast (it was at least two inches long in my mind) and as I quickly stepped down the rungs I counted. One, two, three and promptly stepped off the ladder.

Not a good thing. As the ground rushed to reach my face and the cherries went flying all I could think of was "Protect the arm and wrist."

Well I managed to do just that, but bashed my thigh on the step ladder and did a great number on my ankle. Really I think that my ankle swelled to the size of a Cornish hen. And yesterday the bruise on my thigh got even bigger (it hurts to roll over in bed).

Taped up the ankle, used an ice pack to get the swelling down.

Now I have sat for pretty much two days with my foot up whenever possible and missed the football game yesterday.

Cherries, well they were so squished as to be utterly useless for anything, and I am in no shape to be climbing ladders to pick more. I don't think Harvey would let me in any case.

Guess there will be no cherry pie filling this year unless I can get a good deal on cherries in the store.

Everybody have a wonderful evening.

God bless.


  1. Oh no. I know the feeling. I often venture down stairs in the night and I've lost track of the number of times I believe I'm on the last step when I'm not!. The birds ate all our cherries. I hope you can salvage some even if it's enough for one pie.

  2. Sorry to hear about your accident Jackie. I hope you are recovering well.
