Friday, November 30, 2018

Frugal Friday

The end of another month and the end of the year quickly approaching. Things have not been too frugal around here lately, but I will see what I can list for frugal happenings.

1.  Still working on using things up in the freezer.

2  Going stock up shopping tomorrow. My list and coupons are ready to go as well.

3.  All of the main Christmas gifts are made. Happily they were all made from items I already had on hand.

4.  Combined errands yesterday.

5.  Replaced the faded and worn living room drapes with new on sale ones. I have been waiting a long time for the ones I wanted to be reduced in price.

Everybody have a wonderful evening.

God bless.

Wednesday, November 28, 2018

Slowly, Slowly

Winter has arrived bringing with it rain, snow, and clouds. I woke up this morning to a sheen on the small amount of snow we have on the ground. It rained during the night and roads were very treacherous.

I phoned Kris to make sure he had gotten back and forth to work okay as I saw on the news that the city of Regina, where he lives and works, had 50 accidents. He said the roads were terrible this morning, but he made it to work only a few minutes late. Others arrived after him. The roads after had been sanded so travel was a bit easier.

I told him that providing the weather cooperates we would be up in the city on Saturday to do our stock up shop and asked if he wanted to join us. Of course he said yes.

Slowly, but surely I am making my way through my goal list for this month. I managed to get another top sewn today. This leaves only two unfinished sewing projects to try and get done this month. I will probably get another one done and only have to carry one through to next month. That doesn't mean I haven't got other projects to carry over and new ones to add. I think I might just have too many projects on the go for one month.

Lists are made for next month and the run up to Christmas, here is hoping I haven't got carried away again.

Everybody have a wonderful evening.

God bless.

Monday, November 26, 2018

Menu Monday

The last of November and the beginning of December. This year has flown by.

I made a change yesterday to the menu as Harvey wanted to be able to take his meal downstairs to watch the culmination of the CFL. In other words to watch the Grey Cup. So chili which was to be made tomorrow was made last night.

Hopefully that will be the only change this week.


Remaining frozen Turkey Corn Soup with salmon sandwiches.


Leftover chili on pasta. Salad would be nice to get more vegetables into the diet.


The Beef Roast meal I was going to make on Sunday. Roasted potatoes, roasted carrots and perhaps salad.


Leftover roast beef made into hash I hope. Served with the last of the asparagus.


Pancakes or breakfast for supper.


Weather permitting we will be heading to the city. Plan on picking up Kris, shopping and then having an early dinner. Got to love not having to cook.


Leftover Turkey made into a casserole that will last a few days (or at least I hope it will).

The menus are made up for December, but are open to change. If things get busy, well menus will be switched around. It also depends on how when Kurt and Kris arrive and how long they are staying.

Everybody have a wonderful evening. 

God bless.

Sunday, November 25, 2018

Sunday Ramblings

I love Sundays. So relaxing overall. Not as many household tasks to accomplish and lots of time to knit, sew or read.

Mass was a bit over long today but I still made it home in time for Harvey to make me some brunch. Bacon, eggs and toast, it really hit the spot.

Next week we start a new liturgical year in the Catholic church. Advent begins and the wait for Christmas has arrived bringing with it expectations for the birth of a very special being. It is also a busy season for getting ready for Christmas with the family. 

Today Harvey got to watch the Grey Cup. Not sure who has won, but I haven't heard any yelling from the basement so it just might be the team he is cheering for is winning or has won.

Me, well I have kept busy knitting. It was such a dark and dreary day that sewing was pretty much out of the question. I, however, am happy as long as I can keep my hands occupied with something worthwhile. I may just have a new vest to wear by the middle of the week, and manage to use up some more of that yarn stash.

Everybody have a wonderful evening.

God bless.

Saturday, November 24, 2018

Saturday Roundup

Today has been dark and dreary. I can't say that it has been cold, and no rain or snow fell, those are big pluses. Yet with no sunshine it was hard to get into the mood to really do anything.

This week saw me finish the prayer shawl, start another knitting project for the evenings, finish two of those sewing projects that have been sitting around, do some decluttering and see Harvey work on getting the hall and our bedroom ready to paint.

I actually could probably have finished a second sewing project today, but just was not in the mood. I will get the second simple top completed tomorrow after Mass (at least I hope to). I won't be able to do much sewing on Monday as I have a quarterly visit to my dentist for a cleaning mid afternoon. I may just try to get something else from my goals list completed instead.

Decluttering and extra cleaning filled up the rest of my days. After a very long hiatus from decluttering I got back at it. I don't think that I will reach my goal for the year, but I am giving it a good try.

My winter stock up list has been made. Harvey figures it really does not save us much, but I know it really does. Fewer buys from our more expensive grocery stores here in town, less gas being used to get from place to place, and a bit more variety in the way of groceries. 

Everybody have a wonderful evening.

God bless.

Friday, November 23, 2018

Frugal Friday

Well the end of the work week. That is if we still left the house to work.

1.  Stuck to the grocery list. Even managed to get a few extra items for Christmas baking.

2.  Reading a free book on my ereader.

3.  Finished Christmas shopping. Managed to get everything on sale or at a reduced price.

4.  Once again paid all bills online.

5.  Made the stock up list for our shopping trip next weekend.

Everybody have a wonderful evening.

God bless.

Thursday, November 22, 2018

Thursday Tid Bits

It has been relatively quiet around the old homestead this past little while. 

I am not getting much done on the goals list, but items are slowly being crossed off. I had meant to start sewing yesterday, but I either slept wrong or I am now developing aches and pains that I have never had before. My neck and shoulders were so stiff I could barely move without whimpering. Today, the pain is not so bad and I have managed to get the computer work done from the list. I really do like crossing things off, makes me feel as if I am accomplishing things.

Harvey on the other hand has been hard at work. He has gotten the electric baseboard heaters off the walls in the hall and our bedroom, done his first bit of drywall patching, and his first bit of sanding. I even believe he has done his second coat of spackle. Tomorrow we head out and buy paint and some more baseboard as there is not enough left in his spare lumber pile. Painting, however will take him longer to accomplish as that is a job he really does not enjoy.

Tomorrow I hope to have all the corrections or additions to the family address book and be able to post it on the family page on Facebook for everyone. Mind you the way my family gets on things this could in fact take awhile. Then I just might feel up to doing a bit of sewing. 

Everybody have a wonderful evening.

God bless.

Tuesday, November 20, 2018

Thrifty Tuesday

Being thrifty is cool, but at this time of year thrifty can also be warm.

My thrifty moves for this week have been more along the lines of making sure we stay warm inside and out.

I darned some of Harvey's warm winter socks, fixed a couple of seams on a lap quilt that Harvey wraps up in on these frosty mornings, filled the truck tank with fuel that I haven't seen cost so little in years, and hemmed a pair of winter weight pants for myself.

I have also continued with the use it up from the freezer. Soup that had been previously made and the excess frozen was taken out for a meal. A few slices of the leftover pork was thinly sliced and made into a stir fry tonight (more left for another meal....cook once, eat twice again). I have been using other kitchen appliances to cook with more so the oven is staying off saving electrical costs.

The draught dodgers have been cleaned and made ready to be put in front of the doors to keep out cold winds and to help with energy consumption.

Grocery lists made with coupons and sales in mind as well as what is already in the house.

Bills paid on line saving time and stamps.

Gifts being worked on using up remnants of fabric and yarn.

All in all a thrifty week.

Everybody have a wonderful evening.

God bless.

Monday, November 19, 2018

Menu Monday

The month is coming to a close and soon Christmas will arrive with all its extra preparations.


Meatloaf, mashed potatoes, and green beans. Perhaps I will put out the leftover tossed salad as well.


Leftover pork roast made into a casserole or hash. I think if I make hash I will make brussel sprouts as well.


Chicken wings, homemade fries and mixed veggies.


Leftover meatloaf or a clean out the fridge night.


Breakfast for supper. I am going to make pancakes.


Hotdogs, baked beans, and homemade fries.


Beef roast, roasted potatoes and carrots.

It is actually time to make up next months menus as we only have a partial week to finish off the month. Wow, time does fly by.

Everybody have a wonderful day.

God bless.

Sunday, November 18, 2018

Sunday Ramblings

Today we once again traveled to the Anglican church for an exchange of readers. I am beginning to feel almost as much a part of that congregation as my own. They are extremely welcoming, in fact waiting for our second reader to appear, I got to visit with a few of their parishioners and we had quite the conversation going. 

Really the Anglican communion service is very much like ours. Almost identical responses, the sign of peace and the readings are pretty close as well. It makes it so much easier to be in a place where one knows what is going to happen.

Next week the Anglican readers will be coming to our church. Usually it is an adult and a youth, don't know if it will be that way this time. They have some excellent youth lectors in their community. Never too early to get the youth involved.

The rest of my day has been spent curled up for the most part on the recliner, knitting in hand. It started to snow as I left the church and has more or less been continuing to do so all day. Because of that I have been catching up on old episodes of Outlander and will almost be at the proper season in a few days. That will be very nice.

Tomorrow I have prayer shawl ministry in the afternoon so will be really busy in the morning trying to get as much done as possible before I leave. I have, however, reached the conclusion that what isn't done can always be done the next day (or in some cases later yet in the week).

Everybody have a wonderful evening.

God bless.

Saturday, November 17, 2018

Saturday Roundup

I thought that since the basement is now pretty much finished I would share some pictures with you all.

Before the flood a couple of years ago the walls were paneled in a dark wood, the floor covered with red/black patterned rubber backed carpet, and the ceiling done with smoke and a funny shiny coat. This made it seem dark and drab.

Now, we have a brighter room.

Using light pine, paler grey paint with a darker grey chair rail and a pure white ceiling we have really brightened the room up. Adding extra lighting, and a grey vinyl plank flooring also lightened things up considerably. 

The telescoping poles were a problem. For the longest time Harvey could not figure out how to cover them. The covers you could purchase were either too big or too small. Soooo, he decided to build his own covers for them. Eventually shelves will be made between them and the wall.

The television is on the old, rather ugly stand and Harvey plans on building something to match the electric fireplace this winter. 

More pictures need to be hung up and another basic clean up done, but we are very happy with how everything turned out.

Everybody have a wonderful evening.

God bless.

Friday, November 16, 2018

Frugal Friday

Time to list those small frugal wins since last Friday.

1.  It has gotten cold and icy out so instead of starting my vehicle and traveling to the Leisure Complex to use the walking track, I have been using the treadmill downstairs.

2.  I shopped from a list, but found a few loss leaders I tossed in the cart. Still stayed under budget.

3.  Using up leftovers in making meals.

4.  Downloaded more free books onto my ereader and my Kindle App (on my tablet).

5. Answered surveys and scanned in grocery purchases to gain points. Hopefully I will be able to purchase a couple more Indigo gift cards.

6.  Sewed some buttons on a couple of Harvey's shirts.

Little frugal wins that over a year, every year can add up to big savings.

Everybody have a wonderful evening.

God bless.

Wednesday, November 14, 2018


I promised to let you all know why I was missing in action for awhile, or at least not posting lengthy missives.

You all know that I finally got a doctor and while my blood and urine tests were about what I expected (my cholesterol was a bit high), one test was not at all what I needed to hear.

My PAP came back with cells that are indicative of cervical cancer. My doctor called me in and said she had referred me to a specialist in Regina. I finally heard from him at the end of the week and I have an appointment with him in 2 months.

I am not too sure if Harvey understands the significance and I still have to tell Kurt and Kris as well as members of our combined family. I do want to know how bad it is and what the treatment is going to be before I tell the others, but I know if I don't tell our sons they are going to be very angry.

This is not something you tell your loved ones over the phone and so I am going to tell them when they are home for Christmas.

Now if I seem a bit distracted you all know why.

Everybody have a wonderful evening.

God bless.

Tuesday, November 13, 2018

Thrifty Tuesday

It has been a quiet day, and instead of walking outside I have been using the treadmill in the basement. I am sticking with 1.5 miles at 2.8 mph for awhile. In a couple of weeks I will increase the speed. 

Thrifty moves this past week are more along the lines of repairs. I darned some socks, turned a collar on one of Harvey's shirts, put up a hem on a pair of pants, and fixed a seam or two. Nothing really earth shattering. 

Harvey has been busy building a cupboard over top of the basement fridge. He is using up bits and bobs of leftover lumber from other projects. He even has the stain and protectant at the ready from doing the wood on the walls. 

I have some fabric from old shirts and pants sitting on the dining room table. I hope to cut it all into 4" squares at some point this week. 

I found a sweater at the thrift store that I have washed and will be pulling apart for my next prayer shawl project. I also found a sweat shirt that I will make into a bed for Kris's cat for Christmas. 

Everybody have a wonderful evening.

God bless.

Monday, November 12, 2018

Menu Monday

Wow this month is quickly disappearing. Time is flying by on those wings that seem to appear before special holidays. 


Stuffed Chicken, rice and salad.


Pork chops, mashed potatoes, and the remaining salad.


Hamburgers, homemade fries, and perhaps coleslaw (or peas and carrots).


Leftover ham made into a casserole.


Salmon casserole (though this could end up being maple glazed salmon with rice and mixed veggies).


Leftover ham casserole.


Pork Roast, roasted potatoes, roasted carrots and a salad.

Everybody have a wonderful day. 

God bless.

Sunday, November 11, 2018

Friday, November 9, 2018

Frugal Friday

Friday, once again and I have been MIA for a few days this week trying to get my head on straight and work a few things out. I will share what has been happening with all of you tomorrow. 

1.  Downloaded 4 free books and used a gift card gotten through points to download a couple more. I need to get a few more downloaded over the next while.

2.  Stuck to my shopping list and with the use of coupons and sale items managed to save $35.29 from my total bill.

3.  Using the treadmill to walk most mornings (at -15 C with a nice breeze on top of that) it is much too cold to walk outside. I manage 1.5 miles in less than half an hour.

4.  No leftovers tossed this week and lots of bits and bobs used up.

5.  Working on two knitting projects that use up yarn from my stash. The prayer shawl (I am adding some stripes so that helps use up small balls of leftover yarn) and the rug for part of Kris's Christmas gift.

Off to see what you all have been up to while I was missing (well at least until supper is ready).

Everybody have a wonderful evening.

God bless.

Tuesday, November 6, 2018

Thrifty Tuesday

Back in the day when I would cut out a pattern for clothing, unless the leftover fabric was a rather large piece I would toss it. The same goes for those small balls of yarn I always seem to have. Now every bit of fabric or yarn is kept and fashioned into something useful or decorative. Just like food nothing goes to waste. A truly thrifty and frugal way to live.

I am having trouble with concentration right now as I need to work something out in my mind. Hopefully I will be able to post about it in the next few days. Right now it is too raw.

Every body have a wonderful evening. God bless.

Monday, November 5, 2018

Menu Monday

I am actually sticking very close to this months menus. Sometimes things get switched around or there are more leftovers for another meal so what was planned is changed. Still that unmade meal can be made on another day of the month, perhaps one where there are no leftovers to be used.


Leftover ham from the fridge freezer. I also have one pie shell left that needs to be used. I think a pepper and ham quiche sounds pretty good. I will serve it with some biscuits hot from the oven, or at least warmed in the oven before serving (all depends on oven temperature).


Leftover chicken from Sunday's big meal. I might give the Chicken and Mushroom pasta another try (would use up some odds and ends in the pantry and in the fridge). Though I am leaning towards an old favourite. Chicken a la King served on toast.


Probably leftover quiche along with some raw veggies and dip.


Pork ribs done in the slow cooker or pressure cooker if I don't get them out in time. Thinking sweet and sour served with rice (if not using instant pot to cook them, if so I will make egg noodles), and the remaining asparagus.


If Kris actually is home this weekend I will make pancakes (moved from another day last month). If he does not make it home we will have fish, homemade fries and slaw.


If there is any chicken a la king left (and enough for the three of us) we will have this and salad for our meal. If not the sausage casserole from last week will be served today.


Weather permitting we will be in the city for the first playoff game. Weather not permitting (too cold) I think we should order a pizza.

Everybody have a wonderful day.

God bless.

Sunday, November 4, 2018

Sunday Ramblings

I don't mind being Mass Coordinator if everyone shows up to do their ministry like today. What I dislike is having to run around and find people to take over when those scheduled do not show up. 

I also dislike the long pause we have to make before the final few sentences we read. Harvey said that if he didn't know better he would have thought I missed my place. Just hope that no one else thought that.

Once again Father A's homily was about sharing our time, talent and treasure with the community. Reaching out in love and welcoming to all.

It has been raining and cold for most of the day. This means as the temperature drops overnight and through the rest of the week that the roads are going to be very icy. I only have to travel a few days and not very far, but Kris was planning on coming home this weekend which could be treacherous for him on the highways. I am keeping my fingers crossed that things improve.

If the weather is nice we will be heading into the city for the playoff game for our provinces CFL team. If not we will be staying home on Sunday and watching it in a warm place. I really wanted to see at least one playoff game in person, but if it isn't to be, it isn't to be.

The mitts are finished and after my Monday prayer shawl meeting I will be pulling out the next series of projects to complete. This time (and for the next few weeks) I will be sewing. My unfinished and Christmas list of projects is getting smaller and smaller. It will be nice to be ahead of the season for a change.

Everybody have a wonderful evening.

God bless.

Saturday, November 3, 2018

Saturday Roundup

Things have been very quiet around here this past week. I seem to be caught in a bit of a rut which will probably last from now until the spring.

Today I woke up to snow on the ground after a rain fall so it was too icy to go for my daily walk. Instead Harvey insisted that I start using the treadmill. I managed to do 1.5 miles today and should be able to build on that. I would really like to be doing two or more miles a day. 

The mittens for Kurt, Kris and Harvey are finished. Well they do need to sewn up and the ends woven in. I should be able to complete that tomorrow and then I can move on to another project on my list. Perhaps it is time to do some sewing for awhile, get those summer items finally finished and start on a few winter clothing items. Or perhaps it is time to work on those soup bowl cozies. 

Very little in the way of waste around here this week. We are still eating our way through the freezers and I can finally see a bit of headway. Shelves are slowly emptying and I can foresee a major stock up happening soon.

Harvey got his new television and has it set up. We had a dead spot in the basement as far as WiFi was concerned. This meant we needed to find a new place for the television and once found we needed to move furniture around. Everything is now set up and looks so much better. The room looks bigger and we can actually move around. Harvey has been busy hanging his sport paraphernalia and the room is beginning to come together nicely. 

Kurt's bedroom in the basement still needs curtains though, I just have not found the correct fabric to make them or figured out how we are going to hang them.

Everybody have a wonderful evening.

God bless.

Friday, November 2, 2018

Frugal Friday

It has been a grey and sunless day here on the prairies of Canada. Some places are getting snow today, and it looks like when I wake up tomorrow I will be greeted with the same if the weather forecast holds true. Winter is slowly but surely getting a grip on Canada.

My frugals for this week....

1.  Shopped with a list and kept to it, except for a couple of really good deals.

2.  Eating down the freezers and pantry (I only replaced a few items that we will manage to get through before our stock up trip.

3.  Input last months budget and was surprised that we were only a bit over. In many cases we were well underbudget. This month, however a few lines have raised their bills so I am trying to cut in other areas.

4.  Using up leftovers so as to have no waste. This worked very well last month. Especially the last couple of weeks and I hope to continue that success this month as well.

5.  Darned a couple of pairs of socks.

6.  Continuing to make Christmas gifts.

7.  Still reading downloaded free books on my ereader.

Everybody have a wonderful evening.

God bless.

Thursday, November 1, 2018

Thursday Tidbits

I am going to share another recipe from a Company's Coming cookbook. These are my absolute favourite cookbooks. Mainly because I usually have everything I need to prepare them in my fridge, freezer or pantry.

Turkey Corn Soup

2 tbsp. hard butter (or margarine)
1 cup finely chopped onion
3/4 cup finely chopped red pepper
2 tbsp. all purpose flour
1 tsp paprika (I used a bit more)
6 cups chicken broth
2 cups finely chopped potato
1 tsp. hot pepper sauce (next time I will use more)
2 cups chopped leftover turkey
13 1/2 oz can of evaporated milk
1 cup frozen kernel corn (I used about 1 1/2 cups)
8 slices bacon, cooked crisp and crumbled

Melt butter in a large pot or Dutch oven on medium heat. Add the onion and red pepper. Cook, stirring often, until the onion is softened.
Add flour and paprika. Heat and stir for 1 or 2 minutes.
Add broth, potato and hot pepper sauce. Bring to a boil, stirring constantly. Reduce heat to medium-low and simmer for 15 to 20 minutes, stirring occasionally, until potato is tender.
Add turkey, evaporated milk, and corn. Heat and stir until heated through.
Sprinkle with bacon. This makes about 11 cups.

I have enough in the freezer for another two meals for Harvey and I. Two nights where I get to have a lovely stick to my ribs soup. If Kris is home there will only be enough for one meal for the three of us and a container for him to take home.

Everybody have a wonderful evening.

God bless.