Saturday, November 3, 2018

Saturday Roundup

Things have been very quiet around here this past week. I seem to be caught in a bit of a rut which will probably last from now until the spring.

Today I woke up to snow on the ground after a rain fall so it was too icy to go for my daily walk. Instead Harvey insisted that I start using the treadmill. I managed to do 1.5 miles today and should be able to build on that. I would really like to be doing two or more miles a day. 

The mittens for Kurt, Kris and Harvey are finished. Well they do need to sewn up and the ends woven in. I should be able to complete that tomorrow and then I can move on to another project on my list. Perhaps it is time to do some sewing for awhile, get those summer items finally finished and start on a few winter clothing items. Or perhaps it is time to work on those soup bowl cozies. 

Very little in the way of waste around here this week. We are still eating our way through the freezers and I can finally see a bit of headway. Shelves are slowly emptying and I can foresee a major stock up happening soon.

Harvey got his new television and has it set up. We had a dead spot in the basement as far as WiFi was concerned. This meant we needed to find a new place for the television and once found we needed to move furniture around. Everything is now set up and looks so much better. The room looks bigger and we can actually move around. Harvey has been busy hanging his sport paraphernalia and the room is beginning to come together nicely. 

Kurt's bedroom in the basement still needs curtains though, I just have not found the correct fabric to make them or figured out how we are going to hang them.

Everybody have a wonderful evening.

God bless.

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