Tuesday, October 19, 2021

Thrifty Tuesday


The weather is definitely changing once again. This time getting colder, so the rush is on to finish cleaning up the yard, garden, and get the house ready for winter's visit. 

Thrifty happenings this week.

Harvey dug up my glad bulbs now I will go through them and keep the big ones.

We took advantage of the free weekend at the dump to remove items from the yard.

I hemmed a dress, a pair of pants, fixed a seam on another nightgown, darned a pair of socks, and cut up some socks that were beyond repair we can use them to tie up plants next spring.

Leftovers were used for a couple of meals.

The last of the grey yarn was used to fashion another scarf.

I even managed to save some more twist ties and elastics. 

I have a bagful of bread clips that I am going to drop off at one of our schools, they use them to help with counting in the younger grades. Even though I bake my own bread most times when the sons are home I purchase from our Co-op bakery. If I didn't I would be making bread every day.

Everybody have a wonderful evening.

God bless.


  1. I try to save the plastic ones from the bakery I buy. We are always misplacing/loosing them. So it is good to have extra,You've been busy mending and crafting....very busy. let's see the scarf you fashioned up.

  2. Good idea with the socks - I'll have to remember that for next spring.

    It was sure cold this morning when I went out to put a bag of garbage in the bin. Ticking ever closer to winter.

  3. I love all the little things you do to save money, it makes me feel not so alone.

  4. I'm amazed that you can make the scarves so fast! It would take me weeks to knit one.
