My supper out last night was wonderful, I really enjoyed not having to cook and clean up after. Today, however it is back to normal. No real cooking I just need to warmup the leftover meal from Monday and slice up some cucumber and wash some cherry tomatoes as our side.
As the weather is supposed to change with drastically reduced temperatures overnight, I decided to go shopping today. I am going to cheat a bit and use this shopping trip as a January one. Only out by a day really.
My cart was not very full at all and for meat all I purchased was a 1 kilogram package of bacon, and a smallish beef roast. Both of which were on sale. In fact most items I purchased were on sale, and yet my total cost was outrageous. I did not cut down the grocery line on the new budget, but there will be lots of me trying to get under budget this coming year.
There are a number of ways I am going to try and get our spending under control. These are my challenges for the upcoming year.
The first challenge to myself is No Waste. Everything will be used up food, fabric, yarn, paper, and clothing.
The second challenge is a bit different than most bloggers and YouTubers. I will keep track of no spend days. I think that even spending on food, bills, and such is still spending. Money is leaving the account. So I am going to count no spend days and hope I have lots of them each and every month.
The third challenge is I am going to continue to shop at home first. This is really helping me clear things out of my various stashes and make good use of what I have. Cooking wise this has taught me a great deal about substitutions. It will also help me to perhaps learn some new skills, like making yogurt or puff pastry.
The fourth challenge is I am going to declutter 500 items this year. Yarn or fabric can only be counted in this if the item is actually leaving the house.
The fifth challenge is to start exercising more and having some look after Jackie time. You know facials, perhaps even giving myself a pedicure. I have very dry heals. I always put this down and by March I have completely forgotten to follow through on this.
I think that these will keep me plenty busy over 2025.
Before I leave I want to thank all of you for taking the time out of your busy schedules to read my ramblings.
I also want to wish you all
Everybody have a wonderful evening.
God bless.