Sunday, August 31, 2014

Sunday Ramblings

Ahhh, the end of a wonderful weekend away. Now to catch up with my goal challenge for the month.

So how did I do?

1. Declutter the bookcase portion of the computer desk. Put all invoices and such in binders that have been decluttered full of recipes.  I still have a bit more to declutter on the desk itself but this goal has been completed as stated here.

2. One more month of decluttering recipes and then I am resting for awhile. I have completed this goal as well. Emptied two binders (and most of the third) and I am now using them in the completion of the first goal.

3. Sew the two cut out patterns from last month. Not completely done this one. I have one last pattern to sew of the two. Spent much more time in this lovely sunny weather working on my cross stitch project.

4. Cut out usable quilt blocks from scrap fabric. Done, but this is an ongoing goal. I seem to be able to cut up my scrap fabric all the time.

5. Make relish. Done, and I made enough for 2 years.

6. Make Bread and Butter Pickles. Done and pretty sure I have enough for 2 years here as well.

7. Go for zero waste if possible. Hmm, this one did not work out so well. We did have less waste, but not zero waste.

8. Package and freeze grated zucchini, I want at least twelve packages and I already have  4 done. There are 14 packages of grated zucchini in the freezer right now, plus lots more still coming in.

Over all not too bad. Stay tuned tomorrow for my new monthly goals and some pictures of our mini get away/reconnect weekend.

Everybody have a wonderful evening. 

God bless. 


  1. I think you did quite well. It is tough to hit zero waste, even when you try to keep on top of it!

  2. You seem to have met most of your goals this month. Well done. I've gone the opposite way this month and gone backwards with some of mine. Hopefully, I'll get back on track in September.
