Friday, August 1, 2014

End Of the Week And New Goals For The Month

First off I thought I would share my new goals for the month.

1. Declutter the bookcase portion of the computer desk. Put all invoices and such in binders that have been decluttered full of recipes.

2. One more month of decluttering recipes and then I am resting for awhile.

3. Sew the two cut out patterns from last month.

4. Cut out usable quilt blocks from scrap fabric.

5. Make relish.

6. Make Bread and Butter Pickles.

7. Go for zero waste if possible.

8. Package and freeze grated zucchini, I want at least twelve packages and I already have  4 done.

Most of these will be easy to take care of within the next few weeks. I am so looking forward to having a better goal meeting challenge this month.

Now on to what I have been busy with today.

I watered the plants.

Then I headed into the garden and picked three rather large zucchini.

These will be washed and grated tomorrow morning. Just too worn out to do them up tonight....Unless I get a second wind.

Harvey picked the beans and peas for me, so I spent time shelling peas (got enough for a meal or two) and snapping beans.

Another 6 packages now reside in the freezer and I kept enough for another couple of meals. I really don't think there will be many more large picks so this could be the last of the beans. Just have to wait and see.

I had picked and sliced rhubarb about a week ago and last night I made rhubarb sponge pie. Today I made these two lovely Rhubarb loaves.

These also reside in the freezer, a nice sweet treat for later on. I do love rhubarb!!!

I still have enough rhubarb cut and ready to be used for a cake and perhaps rhubarb pizza...Will share that recipe with you sometime this coming week.

Everybody have a wonderful evening.

God bless.

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