Wednesday, October 25, 2017

Is Winter Arriving?

Today I did my errands mainly because we could be heading into some wild weather overnight and tomorrow.

The weather pundits are predicting rain turning to snow overnight and continuing into tomorrow. While there is not supposed to be a great accumulation of the white stuff, I would much rather stay off the roads until those around me finally realize they can't drive like Mario racing around a track. We always seem to have a few accidents with the first snowfall, and I would much rather be snug and dry at home.

So, because it is a home day I am going to do a bit of decluttering, list a few more items on the garage sale sites, do some extra cleaning, and of course work on my various projects. As well as hope that the weather improves for us to travel to the city to watch the football game.

I have finished two of three pairs of mitts this week, and have gotten a good start on the third pair. I am hoping to be finished most of the knitting portion of Christmas gifts by the end of next week. Then I will move on to the quilt and the pj bottoms. I may even try to sew a set of soup bowl holders..... As long as I keep plugging away things will be finished before time for a change.

Thought I would share a picture of the Doubles playing Family Feud at my family reunion. The reason I picked the name "Doubles" is because we are doubly related. My Mom and their Mom (Aunt Isabel) were sisters, and my Dad and their Dad (Uncle Sam) were brothers.

As far as cousins go we have always been very close. Aunt Isabel and Uncle Sam had four boys and so my sister and I were always treated like daughters when we went to visit. Funny thing was we won the whole thing and thus supposedly have the bragging rights until the next reunion. Considering this one was 20 years after the last one we could have bragging rights for a very long time.

Everybody have a wonderful evening.

God bless.

1 comment:

  1. Good plan. Temperatures here due to drop 5C this weekend back to "normal for the time of year" as it has been remarkable warm this week (18C).
