Saturday, November 30, 2019

Saturday Roundup

I just can not believe it is the end of November. Looking out the window at the snow and ice it already looks like mid winter, but inside it is toasty warm and just perfect for what I have been up to the last half of the week.

I have put my sewing to the side (did manage to finish one project though) and started my Christmas baking. I have a feeling I have once again gone a bit overboard with my list. Yet with company coming Christmas day, Kurt and Kris being home for about a week, and my Prayer Shawl ministry meeting here on Monday for a little get together I think I might be okay.

Here are a few pictures of what I have made so far.

Chocolate coconut candy in the bag in front. Almond Bark in the bags in the back.

English Shortbread, though why the recipe is called that I will never know.

Homemade peppermint candies.

Whipped Shortbread cookies decorated with red and green cherries.

Butter Tart slice, since I refuse to make tarts any more.

Nanaimo bars, my favourite.

Peanut Butter slice.

The last two still need cutting and putting in containers.

Just a few more items to make, but as Harvey has brought up the Christmas decorations and set up the tree, I will have to stop for a little bit. Hopefully I will be able to get at least the Peanut Brittle made tomorrow (if I am really lucky the Surprise toffee as well).

Everybody have a wonderful evening.

God bless.

Friday, November 29, 2019

Frugal Friday

Cold and gloomy day here in the southeast corner of Saskatchewan. The wind is howling, just like it did yesterday and I am developing the usual headache from the accumulation of wind days. Taking a tablet before too long.

One great thing about this kind of weather is I don't really want to leave the house for any reason. Thus frugality reigns.

1.  Used up remnants of fabric to cut out more patterns. I actually managed a dress from one remnant (it will be a spring summer dress), a pair of pants from another, and a t-shirt from yet another. No real waste at all as the scraps have been put in the scrap bag.

2.  Combined errands this week to save on gas and vehicle wear.

3.  While this does not sound very frugal we decided to try out new places rather than the dealership for work on our vehicle. We will not use Great Canadian Oil Change as it is almost double what it costs at the dealership (would not have known this if we had not tried it out) and KalTire charges about $5 more to exchange the tires to snow tires. The good thing is KalTire is closer and the work is done much faster.

4.  Using up food in the fridge freezer again this week. Just a couple of bags, but gone is gone.

5.  Grocery savings for this week amounted to $25.13. Not bad considering a great many baking supplies were purchased. Even though the products were on sale, they were still more than I had really thought they would be.

Everybody have a wonderful day.

God bless.

Wednesday, November 27, 2019

The Calm Before The Storm

Today while not warm, really was quite nice. However we are supposed to be having quite the snow storm hitting us over the next three days. Perfect for staying inside and getting Christmas baking and sewing done.

My errands were all ran today in an effort not to have to go anywhere tomorrow. Harvey will be taking the car to get the tires retorqued. I don't want to navigate through snow, and he knows that I am not comfortable driving through deep snow. He is much better at that type of thing.

Dental appointment went well. I can feel the difference having nice clean teeth. My next appointment is in March of next year.

Bought some reference books for the sewing room. A lady I know very well was selling them on one of the garage sale sites.

There are three more that didn't make it into the picture. In glancing through them this afternoon before my appointment I can see lots of tricks and new ideas to make my sewing that much better. On some of the blogs I visit the ladies are way above my simple sewing level.

Harvey took the snow blower in to be fixed. This seems to be a regular occurrence right now. I guess we will both be out shoveling the snow that falls the next few days.

Welcome to my new follower on Bloglovin.

Everybody have a wonderful evening.

God bless.

Tuesday, November 26, 2019

Thrifty Tuesday

We are back to the cold, cloudy weather. In fact according to the weather pundits, a storm will be moving in come Thursday (or if it moves a bit quicker than expected overnight on Wednesday). Since I have a dental cleaning tomorrow afternoon, I thought that I may as well get my errands done as well.

Combining errands just makes sense. It saves on gas as well as wear and tear on the vehicle. Getting all the running around done on one day saves me time and energy as well.

I had problems sleeping last night so tonight I am pulling out some tea that never fails to help me sleep. Glad I have a goodly supply as I think I may have a few more sleepless nights, I have started the dreaded cholesterol pills and one of the side effects is insomnia. Great for a person who occasionally suffers this without any help.

I fixed a couple of seams on some of Harvey's t-shirts, did a bit of darning, and sewed a button on one of Harvey's spring jackets.

I have been turning off lights in rooms not in use, and keeping the heat at a steady temperature. Any cooler and my dear Hubby says he is freezing.

My nearest grocery store is going to be charging for plastic bags come December 1st, so I am saving as many as I possibly can in order to keep the litter cleared.

Recycled some older t-shirts into rags or strips to use in making a rug (one of my projects for the new year).

Everybody have a wonderful evening.

God bless.

Monday, November 25, 2019

Menu Monday

I am a bit late posting today, but things are kind of crazy today. Why so crazy I really have no idea. 


Ham steaks, salad and egg noodles.


Stuffed chicken breasts, rice and mixed veggies.


Tomato soup and grilled cheese sandwiches (I have a dental cleaning appointment).


Leftover roast chicken made into a casserole.


Glace (or perhaps out for supper).


Clean out the fridge


Roast ham, rice and a tossed salad.

Everybody have a wonderful evening.

God bless.

Sunday, November 24, 2019

Sunday Ramblings

Today was Christ the King Sunday the end of our liturgical year. Next Sunday is the first Sunday of Advent and the start of a new liturgical year.

I love Advent the joyous waiting and planning for the birth of our Savior. All those Sundays leading up to Christmas are full of anticipation and thoughts of the birth of a baby, sent to save the world.

The readings today focused on how leadership is to be styled. Even though Christ was the King of the Universe his style of leadership was one of servant leadership. Too often this style of leadership is not carried through to our everyday lives. Much of the leadership today is characterized by arrogance, love of self, hunger for power, and a very real disregard for the common good. I even see this in our Pastoral Council meetings time and time again.

Today I pray that we can all see the difference and practice servant leadership.

Everybody have a wonderful evening.

God bless.

Saturday, November 23, 2019

Saturday Roundup

This has been a week of finishing up a few Christmas gifts and a couple of items for me as well. I don't have a picture of one of the items for me as it is in the basket waiting to be washed on Monday. 

This is one of the items I finally finished for myself.

Just a little shift dress to wear next spring or during cooler days in the summer.

Next are Harvey's Christmas presents this year.

Two pairs of flannelette pajama bottoms.

The BBQ apron. Perhaps his clothes will stay a bit cleaner after his episodes of being a Grill Master.

A sweater vest to ward off the chill in the basement.

I cut out lots more patterns over the last two days. I hope to be busy in the sewing/craft room until the sewing mojo disappears once again.

Everybody have a wonderful evening.

God bless.

Friday, November 22, 2019

Frugal Friday

Hmm, now what has been happening on the old homestead on the frugal front.

1.  Saved $29.74 on my groceries this week, just buying sale items.

2.  Finished all the Christmas gifts that I had planned on.

3.  Pulled out some sparkly yarn to make a sweater for the holiday season.

4.  Used up some more bits and bobs from the fridge freezer.

5.  Reading books from the library for entertainment and watching Netflix (we share the monthly cost with our youngest son).

6.  Decluttering is continuing every day.

Everybody have a wonderful day.

God bless.

Wednesday, November 20, 2019

Wintery Wednesday

We actually had our first real day of winter weather today. I got up this morning and opened the living room drapes to a winter wonderland.

The weather folks said we were going to get at least 5" of the white stuff overnight, and I would say that is what I woke up to.

This is what Harvey's truck looked like first thing this morning.

I cleaned off my car which was in as bad as shape with the snow covering. Made my way to the grocery store in the continuing snow fall, on rather slippery roads (Harvey says that it was wet snow that first started falling). Got what was needed and carefully navigated the roads home.

The snow stopped falling at around noon and when we measured the snow fall we had received 8". Everything looks so nice and clean. That lasted all of what seemed like a minute. Trucks started hauling the dirt from the waterline break and now our street looks like a sea of mud.

Harvey enjoyed getting the snow blower out and cleaning off the driveway and the front steps. The back deck will have to wait until tomorrow as he will need to shovel heavy wet snow and then blow it into the center of the yard.

I spent most of the day sewing and I finally finished the BBQ apron. Tomorrow after my doctor's appointment I will begin working on the nightie for myself. I am no longer going to try and sew one outfit a day, if it takes a bit longer that is quite okay, at least everything will be done correctly.

Pulled out some yarn to knit myself a sparkly sweater for the Christmas holidays. I am using Patons metallic yarn and while it seems to be a little tougher to knit but I think it will drape nicely.

A few days ago Harvey took a drive, and saw a bison herd.

I guess some younger ranchers in the area have decided to expand their herds to include something other than cattle.

Everybody have a wonderful evening.

God bless.

Tuesday, November 19, 2019

Thrifty Tuesday

We are going to have our second water shut off in the past week. Rather than buy bottled water for the week after the main is fixed (yet again) I have filled almost every container we have with water from our taps.

Still making good use of all the bits and bobs in the fridge freezer (with a few new meals interspersed between the use it ups).

Working on the Christmas gifts for Harvey. They have helped me use up some more already purchased fabric in my stash.

Went through my yarn stash and started another prayer shawl.

Everybody have a wonderful evening.

God bless.

Monday, November 18, 2019

Menu Monday

More changes to the weekly menu than clothing changes this week. Mostly due to the fact that meetings are changing our monthly dinner out night, and there are days I just do not feel like cooking anything at all so quick and easy is the thought for the day.


Leftover Baked Spaghetti.


This was supposed to be date night, but of course I forgot a meeting (Pastoral Council) so we will go out tomorrow night.
I will be serving leftover Chicken or perhaps turkey.


Date night.


Porkchops, rice, and mixed veggies.


Salmon casserole along with some cut up veggies and dip.


Soup and sandwiches. I just might have found a recipe to use up a container of ham broth from the fridge freezer...and I even think there just might be a small package of leftover ham meat I can add to it.


Roast Chicken, roasted potatoes, roasted carrots and the remains of the cut up veggies and dip.

Hopefully no more changes for the remainder of the month.

Everybody have a wonderful day.

God bless.

Sunday, November 17, 2019

Sunday Ramblings

The rain that fell yesterday was pretty much gone today. The roads were clear and not icy in the least. Made heading to Mass easy this morning.

Mass was very long today as Father talked about funerals (kind of matched the readings) and the things we as a parish were doing right and the things we were doing wrong. I always knew that there really was no place in the funeral rite for a eulogy and that other faiths were slowly sneaking into how funerals were being done in the church. Still it was interesting to see the looks on other parishioners faces as he explained the reasoning behind the churches teachings. He said that he will still allow eulogies but will place a time limit on them, that the real place to do them is the Vigil or at the luncheon after the funeral.

What I did not like about his "special" homily was the blaming of certain generations for the changes. Really that is not the warm, and welcoming aura we want to put forth. Our church has been thought of as cold and unwelcoming for a very long time and I thought that was changing. I suppose it hasn't changed as much as I has hoped.

I did take my name off the lector and communion minister lists for the month of December. I did tell the lady in charge of scheduling that I would be available for subbing. It is something I am going to slowly draw away from over the next few months. It is time after serving in this capacity for 26 years. I just want to go to Mass and not have to do anything but "be".

Harvey was disappointed that our football team lost the final game of the playoffs. The team representing the Western Division  is our biggest rivals. So that means he is cheering for the east when it comes down to the Grey Cup.

Me, well I finished off the prayer shawl I have been working on, did some work on the apron (well the embroidery machine did most of the work) and started another prayer shawl.

Really this has been a quiet day, one of thinking, writing in my journal and just enjoying what life has handed me, both the good and the bad.

Everybody have a wonderful evening.

God bless.

Saturday, November 16, 2019

Saturday Roundup

I have been indoors for most of the week. Still did my walking, but used the treadmill most days with just a short walk for fresh air. Really until the last few days it has been much too icy for walking. Today we were well above freezing, which would have been perfect walking outdoor weather if it had not been raining.  

This morning Harvey and I went to the craft fair put on by the Kinette Club here in town. They had a little contest on Facebook, and I just happened to win two free entrance tickets. Great frugal save and a lovely hour was spent looking at new crafts......Seems like hair scrunchies are the biggest craft idea now. 

One lady was selling purses made out of cork from Portugal. Absolutely beautiful!!! Expensive, but beautiful and one of a kind.

We came home, I completed the second pair of pj bottoms and did some house cleaning. Slowly getting the house back in order. Major break down in the sewing/craft room however. I don't think that room will get really back to top tidiness until I manage to catch up on all my projects.

I was enjoying some Netflix while pinning, and Harvey was downstairs watching hockey when the phone rang. It turned out that Harvey won one of the door prizes today. Not really a male prize so now I am the proud owner of a lovely sparkly lip gloss and a bronzer from Younique.

Everybody have a wonderful evening. 

God bless.

Friday, November 15, 2019

Frugal Friday

1.  Saved $19.75 grocery shopping this week.

2.  Found a $5 bill in the back alley, also found ten cents.

3.  Used the treadmill on those cold and icy days. Once it warmed up put on the winter ice grippers and had a short walk in the fresh air.

4.  Finished another Christmas gift.

5.  Got a free jar of pasta sauce with my groceries.

Everybody have a wonderful evening.

God bless.

Thursday, November 14, 2019

Thursday Tidbits

We had a watermain repair today so our water was off from early morning until late afternoon. At least time they gave us some warning so I could fill things with water. Nothing worse than not being able to flush the toilets.

I finished the dress I had started a few days (well about a week and a half ago). The sleeves did not go as well as I had hoped, but it is still wearable. Picture to follow at some point next week.

Decluttering took place as well (since I had no water to do any extra cleaning. I will get caught up on that front tomorrow.

The sewing machine is all set up for the first pair of pajama pants and the elastic is cut for both pairs. I am hoping to get both pairs sewn in the next day and a half. Problem is my back starts to hurt if I sit too long at the sewing machine.

The weather has warmed up considerably. I put on my winter ice cleats and had a bit of a walk this morning. It was sure nice to be out in the fresh air. There is something so freeing about getting outside and just moving.

This weekend we are having a big craft sale in town. One I have always gone to, but this year I am really considering giving it a miss. The cost to enter used to be $2.00 a person but this year the cost has risen to $5.00 a person, more than double!! I know prices are rising, but really. We never buy anything, but it does give me a chance to see new and interesting crafts. Perhaps even give me some new ideas.

Paid a visit to the library earlier this week. Now I have reading material for a few weeks.

Everybody have a wonderful evening.

God bless.

Wednesday, November 13, 2019

Old Pictures

Last week I started scanning some old pictures of my parents and of course some of our own that I missed my last go around (still can't find Kurt's album or more of my old cassette tapes).

Many of the pictures brought back wonderful memories.

My Dad's parents along with Auntie Kathy and Uncle Garry. Though my Aunt Beverly says it is her and my Uncle Freddy. Uncle Sam is in there as well.

When Expo 67 was in Montreal, we travelled from our home in Toronto, pulling the trailer Dad made. Parked in a farmers field and had a blast. I believe this picture is of the Sri Lakan pavillion.

Our home in Vancouver, the place I was born. We had those chairs for a very long time as well as the bookcase.

My Mom on the right and her friend Martha. Martha sewed the bridesmaids dresses for my wedding.

Kris with M.C. Hamster. Such an animal lover.

Kurt holding his little sister.

Dad while working for the Hudson's Bay Company at Goose Bay Labrador before he and Mom got married.

Everybody have a wonderful evening.

God bless.

Tuesday, November 12, 2019


Today our furniture arrived, and it was set up in no time at all!!

The sectional has a bit darker fleck in in that isn't showing up well in the picture. I should be able to sleep nicely on this when I have those sleepless nights (seem to be happening more often lately).

My comfy chair (with the messy table beside it, I am working my way through the various projects that are located around here). It is perfect for snuggling into to do my knitting or reading. 

Still have some straightening up to do, but will continue that and the decluttering of the room over the next few days.

Everybody have a wonderful evening.

God bless.

Saturday, November 9, 2019

Saturday Roundup

While this has not been the busiest of weeks, things are still being completed. Like finding out our furniture will arrive on Tuesday afternoon and picking out my lovely Christmas chair!!! Thinking about accent cushions, quilts, throw pillows, and knitted throws has been occupying my mind until today.

Today was all about cutting out patterns, going through my fabric and picking pieces that go together, and of course knitting. It was raining this morning, and then snowing this afternoon with dropping temperatures (not my favourite kind of weather for this time of year as now we will have ice under the snow that will not leave until spring) so it was the perfect time to get working on cutting down the fabric stash.

I managed to cut out the 2 pairs of pajama bottoms and Harvey's BBQ apron as well as a new nightgown for me. Then came the fun part, putting together those leftover fabrics to make a couple of new outfits for me for the Christmas season. I always seem to get more fabric than I need for a pattern, like why get the called for 3 meters when the fabric is on sale and I can get 6 meters. Right????

Tomorrow there will be more cutting and placing the cut out patterns in project bags along with the instructions and thread.

Then the real fun starts. I will of course do Harvey's Christmas gifts first and then continue with the other projects.

I have been continuing with my decluttering and things are coming right along. Still lots to do, but I am seeing a difference every year with less and less "stuff" taking up space in my home.

The clear out of the bits and bobs in the fridge freezer was on hold for the last couple of days, but come Monday I will be back at that challenge as well. Must get it cleared out for all the Christmas leftovers.

Everybody have a wonderful evening.

God bless.

Friday, November 8, 2019

Frugal Friday

1.  I saved $31.01 on my grocery bill from just sale items.

2.  Used up all leftovers in the fridge proper preparing meals this week.

3.  Walking for exercise every day either outside or inside on my treadmill.

4. Watching a British Crime series (New Tricks) on my android box.

5.  Reading books from the library.

6.  Free dinner last night.

Everybody have a wonderful evening. 

God bless.

Wednesday, November 6, 2019

Cold And Colder Yet

I really do think we are in the throws of winter. This morning when I got up the temperature was -18C. It did warm up to -10C, but with the really was not nice out.

I went this morning and paid for the accent chair. Had a lovely visit with the lady while doing so.

This is kind of what my new chair will look like.

Instead of this white however. The chair is an almond brown colour. Going perfectly with the walls in the living room and the darker flecks in the carpet.

Our new sectional is this one.

This is also in a browner colour, and is in the opposite configuration from this one.

Delivery will be Tuesday afternoon and then that means I can hopefully start on some accents to bring another colour into the rather overwhelmingly brown room. I am thinking teal or red with some darker brown throws. I am not the best decorator, but will give it my best shot. 

I will be sure to post a picture once the furniture arrives and is set up. Then perhaps you can all help me with accent colours.

Everybody have a wonderful evening.

God bless.

Tuesday, November 5, 2019

Thrifty Tuesday

Over the past week I have hemmed three pairs of pants (why do I not hem them when I purchase them I will never understand).

Making supper last night I noticed that I did not have an 8 ounce can of tomato sauce. I did have 1/2 of a can of tomato paste that needed to be used up so I mixed that with some warm water and voila tomato sauce or at least a close enough substitute.

Still making meals with the bits and bobs of leftover meat from the fridge freezer.

We had our date night last week and managed to use a coupon to cut our cost.

Everybody have a wonderful evening.

God bless.

Monday, November 4, 2019

Menu Monday

Weather is becoming consistently cooler. We are also getting snow (though yesterday we had some rain as well). Time for slow cooker meals and lots of hearty soups. I will need to pull out the recipe books next month and try something new.

Still working on cleaning out the fridge freezer and amazingly I am seeing a difference. Love it.


Leftover pork roast made into a stove top casserole. Served with tossed salad.


Leftover ham (should be the last package in the fridge freezer) warmed up and served with corn, mashed potatoes, and the remains of the tossed salad.


Clean out the fridge night.


I am out to supper (the Bible Study leaders are getting together for a meal) so I will make Harvey some smoked sausages, pasta, and some raw veggies and dip. 


Cod fillets, rice, and some kind of veggie. Probably a salad as well. I would like to try something new and different with the cod so I will spend some time looking online for an interesting take.


Leftover Turkey (should be the last bag of this as well). I have a couple of ideas for this, that I am tossing around.  One will leave enough leftovers for another meal, the other perhaps enough for a light lunch the next day. Sides will depend on which recipe I use.


Roast Beef (must check and see if I have a beef roast in the freezer), roasted potatoes, roasted carrots. Perhaps a tray of raw veggies and some dip.

Everybody have a wonderful day.

God bless.

Sunday, November 3, 2019

Sunday Ramblings

It has been a pretty miserable day here on the old homestead. Didn't really look that bad when I opened the drapes this morning. Lovely large flakes of snow drifting down. It wasn't until I stepped out the door that I realized things were going to be difficult.

You see the snow was heavy and very wet. Cars and trucks had been packing it down for awhile before I left for Mass so the roads were actually very icy. A few vehicles in front of me kind of fish tailed turning corners. Probably because they were going much to quickly for the road conditions.

The snow stopped and then it started to melt, and then a few hours later rain. This means the roads are going to be terrible tomorrow. I am just glad that I have no where I need to be.

I spent most of the day scanning old photos and I posted some on the family Facebook page. I will probably continue to do so tomorrow. Dad had some wonderful pictures of family from many years ago.

The rest of the day was spent knitting and cooking. In fact when this post is finished I will be back to knitting. Hoping to finish the front of Harvey's Christmas gift so I can sew it up, do the neck and armhole knitting and finish the whole thing by Tuesday or Wednesday. Wish me luck.

Here is a picture of my Grandpa on my Dad's side as a younger (then I can remember) man.
Everybody have a wonderful evening.

God bless.

Saturday, November 2, 2019

Saturday Roundup

It has been a busy week. Not so much doing things around the house, but busy enough.

We delivered meals to shut ins all week and while the weather did not always cooperate things did get delivered on time.

The new carpet was laid in the living room and I do hope it stands up as well as the old did.

It is actually a darker brown than the picture and the lighter flecks actually match the paint on the walls. Notice the piles of yarn beside my rather broken recliner. That is the yarn I am using to knit the temperature blanket and Harvey's  Christmas gift.  I have been told that I need a new chair and so we will be looking at accent chairs next week. Hopefully whatever we choose will be here by Christmas.

I finished up some sewing.

A pair of elastic waist pants which were actually done last week. But they needed pressing and washing.

An easy midi elastic waist skirt.

A simple cotton sleeveless top. My Mom used to call these types of tops pop tops. Cause you can just pop them right on.

I started my last cut out pattern, but have not finished it yet. 

Pulling a couple of boxes out that I brought home from Dad's place when he died I found a bunch of photos. I started scanning them onto the computer this afternoon. Still have more to do, but hopefully will be finished them very soon.

Totalled up the number of items either recycled or donated and we are up to 492 items gone. I am beginning to feel much lighter.

Everybody have a wonderful evening.

God bless.

Friday, November 1, 2019

Frugal Friday

Halloween is over and we had 4 children knock on our door this year, down from the six that knocked last year. I guess that this little street has pretty much seen the last of the trick or treaters. I may just make bags up for the children that actually came (I know all of them) and keep my lights off next year. I really did enjoy seeing the children in their costumes.

Enough feeling sorry for myself.

Here are my frugal 5 for the week.

1.  Back to baking bread once again. 

2.  Using the treadmill for walking most mornings, it is just too slippery to be out and about in the morning.

3.  Another week of using up the bits and bobs in the fridge freezer. Things are slowly going down, but yet more needs using.

4.  Shopping this week I managed to cut $17.47 off my bill just using sale prices.

5.  Turned the furnace down a tiny bit (like 0.5 degrees) and will try to move it a bit lower in the coming weeks (at least while we are up and moving around, creating our own heat).

Everybody have a wonderful day. 

God bless.