Monday, January 15, 2024

Menu Monday


Still a miserably cold day outside, so I am inside for another day at least. Though I really, really need to pick up the mail as it has been almost a week since last doing so. 

Tomorrow is to be slightly better which is a good thing as we have to venture out to our haircut appointments. I will phone in the prescription order before we leave and it will be ready for pick up after the haircuts (or at least I hope it will be). I also need to get at least some groceries, so after coming home and warming up slightly I will be off to get that completed and pick up our allowances at the bank (hmm another errand that could be done right after the haircuts as they are all in the general location we will be in).

Thanks to everyone who answered my question on reusable "paper towels". You have all given me much to think about this month. 

Enough chattering away and on with the menus for the week. There are some slight changes as I have once again have too many leftovers stored in my freezer. However to use up a few items that need using I will be adding to that collection this week. 


Baked spaghetti from the freezer, and the side will be the remainder of the raw veggies and dip.


The leftover ribs along with the scalloped potatoes from Sunday. I will more than likely make corn to go a


Leftover ham made into a casserole. I will make sure and pick a recipe that has lots of veggies included.


In order to clean out the fridge a bit we will have leftovers from Wednesday.


Tuna Noodle Casserole and raw veggies and dip.


A container of leftover stew from the fridge freezer. I will make some dumplings to go with this.


Roast Chicken, roasted potatoes, roasted carrots. Our usual Sunday roast meal of some type, which of course adds leftover meat to the freezer.

Everybody have a wonderful day.

God bless.


  1. The cold has finally hit us here too. Not relishing having to go out in it both today and tomorrow, that's for sure.
    Don't think I remembered to respond to the paper towel discussion - we were gifted with a set of cloths from Norwex and we mostly use those for all but really dirty spills. RC used to use paper towels to protect the microwave from spatters but we invested in a plastic 'dome' that works and can simply be washed as needed.

  2. I've also used cloths instead of paper towels but not often enough!
    I'm sure your weather will change soon.

  3. I had to LOL about your mail as we are the exact same way here. Our driveway is 1/8 of a mile long, so we leave the mail in the mailbox for days at a time. LOL

    It's cold here too, but only 30 degrees, but it's been snowing around us, so everything is shut down. We didn't get any snow, but are staying home today and tomorrow for sure.

    I took out a container of mystery meat out of our freezer Saturday and it turned out to be a small pork roast, so we had that for lunch yesterday. I love using up what foods we have in the freezer, it's like getting a meal for free.

    Your meals sound delicious. I accidently dropped a jar of spaghetti sauce and the lid popped, so I put it in the fridge and will need to use it up this week.

  4. The menu sounds great to me. You stay warm and bundle up good when going out!

  5. Your Sunday roast reminds me of back home. We always had a roast meal for Sunday lunch. I miss that. I'm happy to see you still stick to that tradition. Your meals all sound delicious! it's still bitterly cold here too. I'm predicting school closings tomorrow. I still need to run errands, but I'll wait & see if it's worth going out tomorrow. Stay safe & warm!

  6. I’m overdo for a trim. Maybe Friday. I like the nights when it’s “clean out the fridge” night. It’s like a smorgasbord of leftovers! A little bit of this and that. We’re having leftover pizza - my husband makes pizza on Sundays now and we ate half of it and save the other half for either next day lunch or dinner. I also have some pinto beans soaking for the next day do I can use up the Christmas ham. We don’t eat that much anymore - or at least I don’t. I just have lost my appetite and have been losing weight. Not a lot but slowly I’m noticing my clothes are loose.

    Stay warm and cozy. God bless
