Saturday, January 20, 2024

Saturday Roundup


While the ambient temperature isn't bad, once again the wind is making it feel so much colder.

Today I have some pictures of a few of the past times I did this week.

Actually these are the week before I tried to make some sausage rolls. Not too bad for a first try really. These were meal sized ones, and I will be making these again.

Recipes that we enjoy have been copied onto some index cards.

I used up lots of my leftover cotton yarn making dish cloths. There are 24 of them here.

Cut out a knit sundress, and still have enough fabric left to make a simple skirt or t-shirt next.

I also finished off all the edges on these flannelette squares and got them washed. Of course I did not get a photo of the finished squares..... 

Baked bread and made muffins and have been enjoying them immensely (the muffins) for breakfasts.

Of course decluttering has been happening and I will have a couple of bags to drop off once the weather warms up a bit.

The only goal I really have not made much progress on right now is the embroidered quilt square.... Just too cloudy most days to get much done on it. We will need to see how far I can get over the next week or so. 

Everybody have a wonderful day (or evening).

God bless.


  1. Sounds like an accomplished week. Enjoy your Sunday!

  2. Busy lady as usual! The sausage rolls look delicious. AND oh my, all those dish cloths. Well done!

  3. We went through our recipe collection before Christmas and probably got rid of more than half of them. Some were more or less repeats of ones we do all the time so no sense in keeping them, some called for ingredients we don't normally have on hand, and some we had something better on file. Now we know that everything we have in our photo album recipe books are good. All the ones that fell into the 'haven't tried, but want to' are now together on a dollar store clipboard and, depending on how we like them, will then move into the photo albums or be tossed.

  4. You've accomplished a lot Jackie! I love sausage rolls. I need to make regular ones again. The ones I make for DS is just a hot dog with cheese & jalapenos inside puff pastry. Have a wonderful weekend. Stay warm!

  5. You get a lot done in a week. Those sausage rolls look yummy!

  6. You've gotten a lot done this week, Jackie. Way to go. :)

  7. You certainly do keep busy. And planning ahead with your new sundress, it will be ready for you when summer arrives.
