Thursday, January 11, 2024

Thrifty Thursday


It is dangerously cold outside and the wind has started to gust a bit. Right now at almost 7 am the temperature is -22C but it feels like -34C. Pretty darn cold, should have taken the garbage out last night, but will brave the short walk to the cans this morning. Today it will be thrifty to stay indoors as much as possible.

I have been working on some thrifty projects. Some that are even clearing space. Just a bit more to accomplish on that front. This is also organizing me better so I can really see what I need to purchase in the near future or down the road a bit. It may also help me declutter.

My oven will be full of muffins today. Those will be wrapped and frozen for breakfasts saving us lots of change. A friend of mine purchases those and tarts about 3 times a week at a cost of approximately $15.00. I can whip up a batch of muffins for much less so both thrifty (I use garden puree or frozen bought on sale fruit) and frugal.

Also, there has been some using up of the cotton yarn stash, some of which was reclaimed from an old blanket I knit years ago, which did not go with our decor.

Lots of dishcloths being whipped up. Some to go in my gift box, some to replace those of mine that are getting old (old ones become cleaning rags) and there will be some to use for the family reunion silent auction. This is really helping tame that stash a little bit.

Now these are the flannelette squares I cut, and will finish the edges at some point this month. These will be used to further my frugal projects next month. I know it looks as if I could have fashioned something wearable out of the fabric, but this was cut out of bits and bobs from other patterns and projects. There was not a piece of fabric big enough to do anything with. I do have a few larger pieces that I think might become aprons as those pieces are more of a heavy cotton. 

On the days that the sun shines I work on the embroidered quilt square. It is slow going as the sunny days are few and far between. 

Now, I was asked if I made my wedding dress.... I was attending university in the months before my wedding and my Mom was busy with the hotel/bar they owned at the time. No time to sew at all. I purchased the simplest gown that I could, and it needed no alterations (thank heavens). I did do a button on the back that lifted the small train up though. That made it much easier to dance. 

Everybody have a wonderful day. 

God bless.


  1. I often give the cotton cloths along with a bar of my homemade soap - tied up with a pretty ribbon it makes a nice gift.
    Stay warm!!!

  2. I am guessing you are wanting to share your cold weather with us. Which, in one way is very generous of you, but honestly you don't feel you have too!!! The temperatures are starting to drop here in Southern Ontario!!

  3. Good grief, -22 - and we complain about it being just -2 here in the UK! I guess we're just not used to that sort of coldness.

  4. That's clever.... When my dd gets married, I plan to tell he'd that WE could embellish a plain dress.

  5. Hi Jackie, I saw on the weather channel you folks were in for very cold weather. We had a horrid day yesterday with snow, wind, then rain and ice. We lost the power for most of the day which I hate. Clear today but bracing for a snowstorm now on Saturday. Yes, baking muffins at home are certainly thrifty...Tony had coffee with his old friends last week and paid $6.50 for a small coffee and muffin. Really makes you wonder how people are getting by at all.

  6. It definitely is very cold out there. I put the trash out on the deck and I'll walk it down to the bin later this afternoon. I am braving the elements to go to Mahjong, but I suspect I won't stay for very long.
    Stay warm and dry!

  7. I'm with Gil, no need to share your cold weather with us. LOL
    It is supposed to get really cold here next week. Thank goodness for lots of blankets on the bed. Your muffins sound good and are so much cheaper when made at home for sure. The flannel squares will be nice to have on hand. I made some a few years ago and use them instead of Kleenex. My stash is getting smaller though, so I need to make some more of those. I hope you are having a good Thursday.

  8. Love those knitted dish clothes. Which reminds me, I've got a coup,eon the go, but they have stalled, for whatever reason

  9. Pretty dang cold. Staying in and working on projects is a good idea. Stay safe and warm.

  10. That's cold!!!!
    Lots of thriftyness going on. Good job!

  11. Love your blog. Would you share your directions for the knitted dish cloths please. Thank you. Stay toasty. Pamela
