Tuesday, January 30, 2024

Tuesday Tidbits


Wow, such lovely weather the past couple of days. Today right now in the city it is 10C. I know there is more cold heading our way, but nothing like the bone chilling temperatures at the beginning of the month. 

I seem to be sleeping much longer than usual. This morning it was very late for me, thus causing me to only do my shopping at one store. Mainly because there were way too many people around for me to feel completely safe. I did get to the bank for our allowances though so managed to combine two of my four errands. Tomorrow I will do the last two and not have to leave the house to be around crowds of people for a little bit. 

With the sunny days I have been able to work on my embroidery and that is moving right along. While I won't have the square done this month, I have great hopes of being finished it early next month and perhaps starting a third block. Slowly but surely moving forward knowing that this portion of the quilt will take a very long time to complete. Once the weather gets nice it will probably grind to a halt as I start work in the yard.

Everybody have a wonderful afternoon.

God bless.


  1. Glad you are getting sunshine. Oh, how I miss it! It will be a couple more days of gloomy here. That is nice that you are being able to embroider.

  2. I'm not a fan of shopping with a crowd either. I love early mornings when hardly anyone else is there.

  3. This weather is so strange for January, but it is lovely. The snow is melting quickly here.

    Take care and feel better soon.

  4. Crowds aren't my thing either, but we still mask everywhere we go. Astounded at the people that don't, particularly when the covid and RSV #s are rising dramitcally again. We tend to either get our groceries via curb side pick up or go when the store pretty much just opens. Have to go to the bank either tomorrow or Friday and I'm dreading it already.

  5. the sun has finally started to shine here as well. Like you I am still not a fan of being in crowded places.

  6. It was beautiful here on Monday. 63 degrees. Amazing. I love to embroider, picture please!

  7. Glad you're getting a spell of warmer weather.
