Sunday, June 23, 2019

Sunday Ramblings

Mass was very different today, and perhaps a bit (well a great deal) strange.

Father talked about how rather than have people grouchy with him because of the length of Mass he would rather them leave quietly. Perhaps come to a weekday service for communion if they left before the Eucharist.

Then he went on to say that starting in the fall he was going to publish how long Sunday Mass would be so that if one thought it was too long they could give Mass a miss that week.  Say what??????

At the end of Mass he got a bit grouchy himself and berated a few people at the back of the church. He actually told them twice to be quiet and stop talking. I think he just may have cost our parish a bit of the welcoming atmosphere we have spent the last year working on.

Oh, and Mass was almost two hours today.

I spent the rest of the day trying to get some surprise sewing done. I am not even close to being finished. Hopefully tomorrow I can get a bit closer to being done.

I also worked on trying to get some of Mondays chores completed. We will probably be without water for most of the day. I filled pots cleaned my kitchen sinks, made sure there was enough water in my steam mop and soon I will be filling the tub to have water for flushing the toilet. Washing will wait until Tuesday or even Wednesday. I will be heading out to pick rhubarb and get it cleaned shortly.

Harvey has the new door almost completed. He will more than likely be working on the outside moulding tomorrow. So nice to have a door that fits properly once again.

Everybody have a wonderful evening.

God bless.

1 comment:

  1. Jackie, I am sorry that those things happened with your priest. I know that they are carrying a heavy load and
    I think the state of the world must make it hard to be someone who is trying to foster other people's faith. I have learned over the years that they suffer greatly and I suppose that it hard to hide those feelings sometimes. People should know better than to sit in the back and talk during Mass. I hope things work out or your parish. Mary
