Saturday, April 18, 2020

Saturday Roundup

I have been able to finish up a few projects that have been waiting to be finished for awhile. Not only those sewing projects, but I managed to finish off 6 new dishcloths,
which will be put away until needed.

Got my plants started,
which I see can be watered once again on one side.

I finished two more masks, sorry no picture of them as I popped them into the mail to get them to Kurt's as soon as possible.

Started a new prayer shawl and pulled this

cross stitch kit out to do in the afternoons. 

Looks as if I have a couple of projects to work on over the next week or so along with the last four sewing projects.

Everybody have a wonderful evening.

God bless.


  1. You're keeping yourself busy which is good at a time like this. Love the new stitching project.

  2. That's a beautiful cross stitch kit. I look forward to seeing the finished result. Your dishcloths look cool too.

  3. What an interesting and beautiful cross stitch picture. Will you frame it or make it into something else?

    1. I think I will frame this. I am not sure if I will use it as a gift or hang it on an empty wall.

      God bless.

  4. You have certainly sorted out your projects. I love a hand knitted/crocheted wash cloth. I always have one on the needle, they make a great gift with some homemade soap. Take care.

  5. I need to be inspired by you. I haven't done anything creative since this in shelter thing started.
    Mama Bear

  6. I am so grateful that my mom and aunt instilled a love of knitting/crocheting in me. Then there was a former friend who introduced me to counted cross-stitch. If I didn't have projects to do I'd probably be much more anxious about this isolation.

    Enjoy your stitching!

  7. You have been busy! Stay safe :)

  8. I love the homemade dish clothes. I made one or two back in the day but haven't made any new since. They are fun though.
