Wednesday, January 10, 2024

Midweek, Why Does It Seem to Come So Quickly?

It seems like I am always saying that Wednesday arrives too quickly, but to me it does. I could also say Saturdays arrive too quickly as well. That is the day I phone my youngest brother, who has schizophrenia and at most a grade 6 understanding. I phone him every week, except while we are on holiday or away visiting someone. 

So first off today I tried to keep track of my Cheesy Beef and Noodle Casserole ingredients.

So here they are to the best of my knowledge.

Cheesy Beef and Noodle Casserole

2 1/2 cups of cooked noodles (I usually use about 3 cups of cooked noodles, but was running out of those for some reason)

2 cups diced leftover roast

1 medium diced onion (I ended up using some onion powder I need to use up)

1 tsp or so of oil to cook the onion in

1/2 cup frozen peas (I have made this with frozen mixed veggies as well)

1 1/2 cups grated cheese 

1 tsp Worcestershire Sauce

1/2 tsp minced garlic

1 can cream of mushroom soup

splash of milk (usually use a splash of water to rinse out the soup can, but as I have some shelf stable milk that needs using did this instead.

season with salt and pepper

Cook noodles as directed, drain and place into a casserole. Fry the onion and minced garlic in oil until golden brown or just softened as you prefer. While that is cooking add the peas, diced beef, 1/2 cup cheese, Worcestershire Sauce, soup, the washed out remains of the soup can to the noodles. Add the cooked onion and garlic to the casserole. Season with salt and pepper. Stir until well combined. Top with remaining cheese.

Bake at 350F for about 45 minutes or until bubbly and cheese is melted. 

At 2 pm on January 10, 1976 Harvey and I were married. This is a picture of the two of us with my Grandparents at our supper in the church basement. Harvey's grandparents were unable to attend as they were just too infirm at this time. I rather think the reason was that they did not speak English very well. We did drop in after the ceremony to visit with them before we headed into the city to pose (and I mean pose) for photos. 

That day was actually just beautiful, sunny and very warm for a January on the Saskatchewan prairies. 

Taking it easy today and just enjoying the fact that we have been married for 48 years. 

Everybody have a wonderful day. 

God bless.



  1. Congratulations on your 48 years Jackie. Lovely photo.

  2. Happy Anniversary to you both, I hope you have a lovely day. It is snowing and the temperature is dropping here....did you send your weather over to us!!

  3. Happy 48th Anniversary to you and Harvey, Jackie. I hope you have a wonderful celebrating all your years together. And thank you for the recipe, it sounds delicious. :)

  4. Happy Anniversary to you and your sweetheart!

  5. Happy Anniversary! A wonderful photo, beautiful dress and memory of your grandparents. Thank you for the recipe! It sounds perfect for a cold winters day. It will be on the menu soon at my house.

  6. Happy Anniversary! Wishing many more years together.

    Thanks for the recipe - I'm positive it is something my son would enjoy and it's clearly very easy to adapt or adjust.

    Stay warm!

  7. Happy Anniversary!! Have a wonderful, if not chilly, day. -21C. windchill -30C here at the moment!! It's supposed to get a lot colder in the next few days!

  8. Many congratulations on your 48th Anniversary! That's a wonderful achievement indeed.

  9. Many congratulations, Jackie - I hope you've had the best day celebrating in your own way!

    The recipe looks lovely - thanks very much. xx

  10. What a pretty dress, Jackie! Did you make it? The both of you look so happy.

  11. Wow 48 years, congratulations to you both.

  12. Happy Anniversary, Jackie. What a lovely photo, you look so pretty.
