Wednesday, January 8, 2025

Midweek Update


Not a great deal happening today or during the beginning of the week. I did get my first batch of yogurt made and will probably start another batch tonight. I want to get my whole milk used up before it decides to go bad, and get enough yogurt to really have a good taste test. So far the yogurt seems to have worked, I took a little taste and it is a bit tart compared to what I purchase in the store. I think some jam, berries or granola will cut that a bit. I have the whey in a container in the fridge freezer right now.

Harvey went for his "scan" at the dentist. He says it was a very small camera put into his mouth and manipulated around so as to build a 3D picture of his teeth. He will go back in two weeks for a fitting. Then 2 weeks after that he will get the new partial plate. 

Decluttering is ongoing. I have managed to get 14 items into the donation bags and I hope to get more before the end of the month. It would be very nice to have 4 bags to take. 

Everybody have a wonderful evening.

God bless.


  1. I haven’t made yogurt for decades but remember it being more tart than store bought. There is probably a way to affect that during the process but I don’t know what it is.

  2. Every time I think I will try making yogurt, I read the instructions and change my mind.

  3. I think I would appreciate the tart aspect of the yogurt because mainly I put it on my rolled oat cereal so it would end up being mixed with blueberries and whatever else the RC puts in to his porridge. Interesting that it uses whole milk because that's what we use in our kefir.

  4. 14 items decluttered is a good start. I’m going to count the number of items I declutter this year. It will be interesting to know the total. Your yogurt sounds good, you can also add flavor with vanilla.

  5. Glad you are getting to try the yogurt maker. How fun.
    Amazing the way things have changed on fitting for dentures.

  6. hmm...a yogurt maker....something of interest to me. Up next on the skill set list.

  7. With all my decluttering, I think the places I donate to cringe when they see me coming. So much to sort and put away but my house has gained lots of space.

  8. Well done on the decluttering, Good luck to Harvey with the dental work.

  9. Dental work is expensive but necessary. How interesting to read about the camera and the 3D image, never heard of that before.
