Wednesday, January 29, 2025

Questions Answered

 I thought perhaps I would answer a few questions from my last post here, rather than each individually. If anyone is like me, I sometimes forget to go back and see if there is an answer to my question on a post. So here goes.

1.  I have never even tried to make my own microwave popcorn, but that sounds like a very good idea. Next time I shall pick up some lunch bags and regular popcorn to give it a try. After all I make my own bread, spice mixes, and yogurt this would be just another arrow in the frugal arsenal. 

2.  I know that Walmart and Costco are American stores (so is Home Depot) but Walmart carries lots of Canadian goods and does have a head office here in Canada. I kind of hold off on allowing Galen Weston (owner of No Frills, Loblaws, Super Store and so on) from becoming richer than he already is. He also price gouges. So purchasing a Canadian product in Walmart will still be helping a business in this country.

3. The nearest Giant Tiger is approximately 2 1/2 hours away from us. Perhaps the next time we go to Regina we will pay that store a visit. I did visit the one in Yorkton when we went to visit the Aunts (that is 3 hours away) and liked what I saw.

4. I will probably charge a nominal amount if this knitting class goes ahead. What I gather is that most of the ladies (and gentlemen) that would take it have no knitting experience whatsoever. That could be a challenge. While I have taught girls in the Guiding movement knitting, never have I taught an adult.

I think that what I thought could be tea towels on my loom are going to end up becoming placemats. The fabric just seems slightly too thick to make a good absorbent tea towel. I will be on the lookout for slightly thinner cotton yarn for the weft in order to make those tea towels a bit later on. Pretty sure the next thing I weave will be some kind of fabric to make a belted wrap, or perhaps a poncho, or perhaps another rug for an area in the basement that needs one. So many ideas and so little time. 

In my decluttering I found an old ball point pen that was given to me as a graduation gift from Grade 8 (so very long ago). The inner refill has been gone forever so I decided to see if I could find one in town. I did, but at almost $8.00 I am going to search online for the next one. I purchased the refill and have even done a bit of journaling with it today. So nice to be able to use it once again even with the cost. Oh, yeah, the refill came from France!!!!

I won't be finishing any more of this month's projects. I could perhaps do so if I did not work on the loom or embroider and just stick to knitting, but my hands and back need a change every so often. Hopefully at least the knitting will be completed very soon into February. 

Off to visit you all as supper is cooking and I have time.

Everybody have a wonderful evening.

God bless.


  1. It's too bad Giant Tiger is so far away because they do have good options. For us, the closest Walmart is about an hour away and the same for Costco so they're not on our radar. We do have a Food Basics but I don't know where their head office is...likely in the US. I know reading labels will be more important than ever now that we're trying to shop Canadian.

  2. How fun to be using your 8th grade graduation gift!

  3. I never thought the day would come, but I am a Walmart+ member because I can order things I just can't find in brick and mortar stores. So many stores keep a limited inventory. Or just don't have the strange things I need (vent filters, affordable bobbins, hardware, etc.). I hope you had a wonderful supper!

  4. How fun on the pen!
    I hate to shop WM as the Walton family is plenty rich enough, they don't need my money. I guess that kind of goes for all the stores - but I just don't like WM. I do have several family members that work there - but I avoid as much as possible.

  5. The other comment I would make about shopping at Walmart, is you are supporting the employees by purchasing there. I am aware that W tends to pay less, but at least it has to offer minimum wage.
    What a sweet reminder of your Grade 8 graduation. Some things are just priceless.

  6. That is so cool about finding your 8th grade pen. My mom used to work at the phone company and I have two mechanical pencil used by telelphone operators in the 40's and 50's. The metal ball on the end was used to dial a rotary phone.

  7. What luck finding that old pen, and even better that you could buy a refill and get it working again. That find must have brought back many memories.
