Tuesday, January 14, 2025

Tuesday Tidbits And Stuff


It has warmed up so I headed out and managed to get the shopping completed. Most of what I purchased was on sale, except for my new keyboard. I wanted just the keyboard, but ended up purchasing one that also had a mouse. Still having a full keyboard is absolutely lovely. This means I don't have to move the other wireless keyboard between my mini computer and this laptop/monitor combination. Loving it so far. Frugal shopping takes time as I have found the last few times I have ventured out.

I have pretty much finished setting up my loom to make the tea towels and will finish the shuttle tomorrow as well as getting the warp closer together. Weaving is definitely a learning curve. I am not sure how this very thing yarn used for weaving will work as I am having a problem getting the warp to come together in a couple of places.

I got my larger reeds yesterday and am looking forward to using old sheets, strips of fabric and old clothing to make rugs. I will also be able to use thicker wool. I will look into ordering other reeds after I save for them. 

Not much has been accomplished on my various projects, but that should change for the rest of the week. Shopping and household tasks took up most of my morning, and then this afternoon I was processing the meat I purchased for the freezer. I still have the pork loin and a beef roast to process. 

Yesterday I posted a meme on Facebook that stated I was no longer going to argue with anyone. Forgot that for a moment on the forum I belong to...but caught myself mid-post reply and deleted it. Life is to precious to spend arguing with those who can't research or understand.

I am hopeful of having a few projects finished by Saturday for roundup and photos to share.

Everybody have a wonderful evening.
God bless.


  1. I'm sure you will meet your goal of finishing those projects.

  2. It seems that all the new keyboards come with a mouse these days so it's not a surprise. I'm sure you will love the new keyboard though...they're not that expensive luckily.
    And yes, life is too short to spend it arguing with ignorance. Any argument will fall on deaf ears anyway, no doubt.

  3. So happy you warmed up a little. It sure is cold here - I think your weather came south. Look forward to the pictures!

  4. I'm with you on the not arguing with people. Life's too short, although I did have a rant on paper when we were sent a consultation form for some changes to the road system around where I live. I was livid, as it is going to make it more difficult for me to get to work or get anywhere out of town from where we live. I just decided that they weren't going to stop me using my car to get to work or for any other purpose, as it allows me freedom. We are not irresponsible car owners and don't use our car that much. I'll just suck up the extra time it will take once the new road system comes into being and smile inwardly, that I still have my freedom to choose how I travel to work. What else can you do.

  5. Can't wait to see what you make with the loom. I do not weave but I have purchased some woven scarves.

  6. I tend to scroll on by or read and ignore most things. Generally, when someone posts on FB (especially) they've already made up their mind and no amount of facts or logic will change their minds. I have better things to do that waste time, though if it is someone particularly close to me, I may ask why they have that opinion.
    Here in Yuma, I'm finding prices for veg and fruit is less (and the produce is better - go figure as it doesn't have as far to travel), but meat prices are as much or even more than at home, unless there is a markdown or sale.

  7. I must have missed something as I'm not sure what you mean by larger reeds? Are they part of your weaving loom perhaps? I'm looking forward to seeing your tea towels evolve and grow.

  8. I’m not on social media anymore because it seems everyone wants to argue.

  9. I always thing 'You do you and I will do me'. I think some people just like a good argument!
    Well done with the keyboard. Sometimes frugal is about making things a bit easier in the longer term. xx
