Thursday, January 23, 2025

Thrifty and Frugal Thursday

Thrifty and Frugal

 The vehicle is still at the dealership. Turns out all the parts were not delivered, but would have come in now. The dealership asked if they could keep it overnight and I said of course. So we will be picking up the SUV in the early afternoon tomorrow.

So what thrifty and frugal things have I been up to this week.

1.  Made more yogurt. This seems to have turned out to be much thicker. I used some cream added to the milk to see if that would improve the consistency, and it has. So a bit of cream will be added to the mixture from now on. Makes it cost a bit more, but I seem to get more as it is thicker.

2.  Tried baking bread in the electric roaster.... It was baked, but did not have a nicely browned crust. Still, at least it did not burn.

3.  Since my oven is still not working (Harvey did more checking of the wiring and such) I am giving my cooking appliances a great work out. Probably saving quite a bit on the electrical front.

4.  All leftovers are being used in other meals, so no waste is occurring right now.

5.  Of course I am still doing all the little usual frugal habits, like hanging clothes on the lines downstairs, combining errands, paying bills online, and I am using up some instant coffee that I really do not care for.

6.  Saving plastic containers to use to freeze or store leftovers in. 

7.  Made my shopping list today checking out as many sale fliers  as I possibly can. 

Everybody have a wonderful evening.

God bless.


  1. My stove/oven uses natural gas. I tend to bake and make casseroles in the cold months. In the summer we grill mostly. I can’t see using the heat when I’m cooling down the house.

  2. We won't be grocery shopping this week because we've used up all our grocery budget for the month. Good thing we don't need anything. We might run out of fruit but I think we can stretch what we have until the end of the month. The RC made a huge pot of bean soup today so we'll eat on that for a few days and put the rest in the freezer to enjoy later on.

  3. Hello Jackie - I am just playing "catch up" on your posts ... sounds like you had a wonderful visit from your sister. I am pleased you got to go to the Create group - I find things like this can be very motivating & inspirational. You have had another thrifty week Jackie. xx

  4. Hi Jackie, caught up on your post this morning. A nuisance when cars have to go to the garage. I think it's great to get out to a sewing group. There are several with the churches here but I'm too shy to go. I love that you got together with your sister. Mine lives far from me so we use Messenger on facebook to keep in touch these days. Love to read your lists. Always reminds me of a thing or two.

  5. I hope your car and oven get fixed soon, but you're right about saving money with the smaller appliances. The yogurt sounds good, I like mine thick too. I used up some protein powder that we hadn't been using, which is a good thing. Use it up saves money too.

  6. My sister and I go to a sewing club. I have so many ideas and issues coming up with just one. I like it now that I work at home, it gets me out and about.

  7. Annoying about your oven but good that you're saving the pennies as well. xx
