Tuesday, January 28, 2025

Tuesday Tidbits and Stuff

 I went to the Great Create again this week and was asked if I would be willing to teach some adults how to knit. Was told that I could probably charge what the lady who taught a class on weaving charged. Not sure I really want to charge anything. What do you all think? The group has some knitting needles and all I would need to supply would be yarn. Now it isn't like I don't have lots of that, could be a way of clearing out the stash a bit. 

Otherwise my morning was taken up with shopping for groceries. That took a great deal of time as I was looking for Canadian substitutions for American products. Now, one would think buying from your own country would be less expensive.... Nope, not really, but some items were on sale so that was a good thing. Also produce and fruit from Canada right now is limited to things like root vegetables, frozen berries/fruit, and apples. The only other fruit that came from somewhere else was bananas and those were from Guatemala. Still I did what I could to keep our economy active. With the threat of tariffs we are being asked to shop Canadian, and that is what I will do.

I haven't done this in awhile, but I thought I would show you all what I got for groceries and other supplies. Plus what it cost me. Much of this will not be eaten for a number of weeks, perhaps months in some cases. The fresh veggies, fruit, and dairy (milk) will be used over the next couple of weeks.

First off my Co-op haul.

Yes, there are a few snacky type items, but that is mainly because I can't really bake any cookies, pita chips, or coffee cakes until my range is repaired and we were getting a bit tired of nothing to nibble on. Total cost of this was $262.20, but I saved $24.97 and once a year I get approximately 5% back on grocery purchases as I am a member of the Co-op.

Next up are my purchases at Walmart. A few things were purchased on sale, and I went through some of their bagged frozen items and may go back by the end of the week and pick some eggrolls, stuffed chicken breasts, and pizza bites up. At $10.00 each for a pretty large bag I think that could be a good deal for us. 

I also got Harvey a puzzle book and some microwave popcorn as he loves that as a night snack. I also got some heavy bristol board for mounting his jigsaw puzzles. Then of course there was the Tylenol Extra Strength and Tylenol Arthritis. I don't use them often so these will last awhile. Total cost was $172.62. 

I also use my credit card, which is paid off monthly to get more back. I usually get enough back by the end of the year to almost pay my groceries for a month. 

So in case any of you are interested in the conversions, here they are:

In U.S. dollars I would have spent in total $245.96.

In U.K pounds sterling I would have spent 242.73 pounds.

In Euros I would have spent 290.86 Euros. 

Living in the center of Canada, in a small city with very few grocery options you can see that things are a little bit costly here even on sale. So I stock up and try my best to get deals on meat, grow lots of my own veggies, dehydrate herbs, and do whatever I can to save money here and there. We have very few yellow sticker items as well. Also remember that much of this will be eaten weeks or months down the road so if something happens we are well prepared, which is what I like. 

Everybody have a wonderful evening.
God bless.


  1. I sense your excitement in all that you bought - wow you really did good. As for you teaching others to knit - what a wonderful idea, Jackie and whether or not to charge…even scripture says a man is worthy of his wages. I think that is wonderful.

  2. Have you ever tried making your own ‘microwave popcorn’ using a lunch bag? It avoids the ‘bad’ oils and you can customize to your hubby’s taste! Just a frugal thought😁

    1. Hmmm, I will need to give the popcorn idea a try. Thanks.

  3. Just a reminder that Walmart and Costco are American owned! Safeway/ sobers, save- on and superstore are Canadian owned. And of course Coop.

  4. As an American, I would like to apologize for what we are doing to your country! It's bad enough living through the craziness that is going on today/now -- and for the foreseeable future. I have been trying to scale back on life, not feel like I need to hoard. But now I think that if I don't stock up on a lot of what we need, we will be paying so much more for things in the future. Sadly, it's just going to get worse. It's good for me to see how others are coping as I try to figure out how to make sense of it all going forward.

  5. Do you have a Giant Tiger near you? I've just discovered that they have a lot of Canadian products so I know we'll be shopping there a lot more. We needed oranges today and I picked up a bag, looked at the US label, and put them back. Just around the corner were some from Guatamala which I did buy. Reading labels was never a big thing I paid a whole lot of attention to but you can be sure I am now.

  6. It's good to have a good stock up sometimes, especially when prices are constantly going upwards. It's good to know you do have food in your cupboards or freezer should anything untoward occur. Well done for sticking to Canadian goods where possible.


  7. I love Co-op sales, though the everyday pricing is a little harder to swallow. They do match the pricing in the city, and our local Independent Grocer is often even higher. But we have to eat, so paying the price is the only option.
    In my opinion, teaching the knitting class would be a good thing, and if you charge a nominal fee, you can use that to provide the yarn. I know you have a stash but you'll probably need more. Are these women non-knitters or just haven't ever knitted? It sounds like a bit of fun!

  8. I agree with Mrs. Murphy. I am embarrassed about what Donald Trump is doing to our neighboring countries. It pains me deeply that he is hurting others like this.

    You did good with your grocery hauls. That is how I shop too, many times it is for later on down the road. I try to stick to buying sale items, so no telling when I will use said items.

  9. I have taught free classes and paid for classes and the only thing I noted as a difference is that people who paid when they sign up, show up. Sometimes they told me the number of students and half showed up. But I like to teach and do it no matter. I am going back to my mom's grocery shopping strategy, showing once and month and saving for that shop. Still buyingg local as much as possible, buy meat in bulk. Getting my garden plans together.

  10. I was shocked at the cost of groceries when I was in Quebec. I paid $1.80 for a single red onion. Onions are practically free here.

  11. As a Brit living in England, I'm quite shocked at the cost of food in your country - I thought our prices were bad enough. You do amazingly well with stretching things out and using up or repurposing leftovers.

  12. Is Great Create a friendly social group? If so, I dont think I'd want to charge to show people how to knit either. You could always ask them to buy their own wool. And ask (or suggest) what they would like their first project to be, something small and simple I guess. Do tell us how you get on with this.
